Hello there. Just wanted to let you guys know that I am blown away by the screenshots I saw so far. Really looking forward to the release of this mod.
I was wondering though on tentatively what stats you have decided for the NPCs or is it too early to ask? I was asking because in IWD2 with point buy you really only have a fixed pool of attribute points to draw upon and I noticed Imoen's character record sheet showing she has become less charismatic and more foolish. :lol: Though from screenshots seems she is either a full thief or a higher thief level than mage when the game starts.
Also will there be items that increase the prime casting stats since casters need to have 10+level number in stat to cast those spells? I don't think there are a lot of equippable items(i.e. non weapons) that boost wisdom and intelligence stats. Only exception is the ring of human influence for sor charisma ( I take it this will be changed from setting charisma to 18 to adding so and so points to charisma while equipped?).
One thing I am glad is that there will be less confusing spell selections and the fact that imprisonment has been taken out. Hope you can indulge this person's curiosity. More power to you.