Author Topic: Valen, tombs and blood  (Read 9426 times)


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Valen, tombs and blood
« on: January 13, 2003, 08:00:56 AM »
At first, i have to say that i like Valen. But  now i ask myself, and also other forum members, where is her tomb? Bodhi had one, some other vampires with names had one, so why not Valen? I think she needs to rest sometimes somewhere, at a place where she can take off her armor. I don't think many evil people like to travel with somebody who does not clean him/herself even once a week.

Also it came to my mind, that Valen is meant to be bloodthirsty. Couldn't she drink/use the 2 portions of blood of the underdark races, or of one of them? Maybe she could gain extra powers or abilities, or at least immunities. Even the blood of this killer-..., that one in the umar hills could be useful for a vampire. She might have some conflicts of interest with the pc about his topic.

BTW, is taht a bug that she cannot kill Delon in the government district in Athkatla, though making him and everyone else hostile? And the death after being imprisonend by a demilich and being freed again?                    

Offline weimer

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Valen, tombs and blood
« Reply #1 on: January 13, 2003, 01:10:21 PM »
The blood use is a very interesting idea.

What's this about Delon? In my test run she sliced him up.

The imprisonment/death thing is a bug, but it's a bug in the Infinity Engine (which treats imprisonment as death).                    


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Valen, tombs and blood
« Reply #2 on: January 13, 2003, 01:55:01 PM »
What's this about Delon? In my test run she sliced him up.
                   It might be a problem with the German version of BG2 (but perhaps not only the German version). Afaik without modifying the baldur.ini and activating the 'blood-mode' you can´t kill childern. At least this was true in BG1 (and it had caused a serious bug on werewolf island because the transformation from human to werewolf was scripted as death of the human, since some (or at least one) of these humans were children who wasn´t able to die the spawn of werewolfs was endless...                    


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Valen, tombs and blood
« Reply #3 on: January 14, 2003, 05:32:11 AM »
That blood mode caused the bug on werewolf island? At first i thought it was meant to be that way, that after finding out about the werewolves (or wolfweres) there should be a massive attack of a near endless stream of enemies. So activating the blood mode option should do that.
Is the blood mode in the english/american version activated by default? It is also a bit of irony that one might find that out when using a vampire as a party member  [_[ .

There should probably be no more permanent bonuses for Valen, or at least some maluses in combat. The portions of blood could serve as drinks giving temporary bonuses, maybe the kuo-toan blood giving Valen the additional immunities of the prince or the brain blood could boost the psionic powers Valen has.

Shouldn't  Valen be allowed to eat the heart after Bodhi's death? Maybe that could cause some permanent or some temporary effects, just like the bloods.

In general, i guess Valen likes to eat the flesh of humans and/or demihumans. I think there are quite some things she could probably eat or drink, a troll's head, Neb's head or the dead bodies of any romance partner in bg2. Well, that is probably quite far away from the intentions the game and most of the mods might have.

BTW, isn't Dace's hand a good weapon for Valen, similar to her claws, maybe after some preparation, by the demonlord in ud (or even demogorgon himself)?                    

[!--EDIT|HardenCoonor|Jan 15 2003, 08:04 PM--]

Thorium Dragon

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Valen, tombs and blood
« Reply #4 on: September 20, 2003, 11:50:06 AM »
Maybe the PC can find a book detailing the process of combining certain items (i.e. Dace's hand, blood vials) into vampire specific weapons for Valen to use.

For example, mixing Kuo-Tua Prince blood with the Hand of Dace in one of the blood pools in Bodhi's lair.


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Valen, tombs and blood
« Reply #5 on: September 20, 2003, 06:37:14 PM »
UK/german version needs the blood mode to kill children.

simply add

Memory Access=100

[Game Options]
in your bg ini.


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Valen, tombs and blood
« Reply #6 on: September 29, 2003, 04:23:44 PM »
Maybe the PC can find a book detailing the process of combining certain items (i.e. Dace's hand, blood vials) into vampire specific weapons for Valen to use.

For example, mixing Kuo-Tua Prince blood with the Hand of Dace in one of the blood pools in Bodhi's lair.
I like that idea combining items to get a nice weapon. Have an undead forge store to do this.  ;)  


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Re: Valen, tombs and blood
« Reply #7 on: July 03, 2006, 05:24:11 PM »
That idea of Valen using Underdark Elder Races parts is very good. I always thought in the original game they were supposed to be used in an artifact but they just stayed there in my inventory thorug SoA and  ToB. May be this way we can make a use of them. They are too precious to just stay in a bag of holding as thropy! Also, any bonus gained by them should be permanent, so kept at a level so as not to (further) unbalance the game.

About claws, Valen apparently could use them as "gloves", else she would have to cut her hand out andknit the other hand she would like to use. All kind of complication. There was a "Balor claw" or some such item in ToB and it could also  be used this way (though it is already an artifact piece). Maybe she pulls out the Balor nails and and attaches them to her fingers, gaining vorpal hit!


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