That blood mode caused the bug on werewolf island? At first i thought it was meant to be that way, that after finding out about the werewolves (or wolfweres) there should be a massive attack of a near endless stream of enemies. So activating the blood mode option should do that.
Is the blood mode in the english/american version activated by default? It is also a bit of irony that one might find that out when using a vampire as a party member [_[ .
There should probably be no more permanent bonuses for Valen, or at least some maluses in combat. The portions of blood could serve as drinks giving temporary bonuses, maybe the kuo-toan blood giving Valen the additional immunities of the prince or the brain blood could boost the psionic powers Valen has.
Shouldn't Valen be allowed to eat the heart after Bodhi's death? Maybe that could cause some permanent or some temporary effects, just like the bloods.
In general, i guess Valen likes to eat the flesh of humans and/or demihumans. I think there are quite some things she could probably eat or drink, a troll's head, Neb's head or the dead bodies of any romance partner in bg2. Well, that is probably quite far away from the intentions the game and most of the mods might have.
BTW, isn't Dace's hand a good weapon for Valen, similar to her claws, maybe after some preparation, by the demonlord in ud (or even demogorgon himself)?
[!--EDIT|HardenCoonor|Jan 15 2003, 08:04 PM--]