Another Place to bookmark - Nice LOL My contributions to the office, a indexed tools thread
Please also note that the point of this thread isn't to list every single modding tool that there is but those that are used most often and are recommended. Any additions that are needed, just PM me.
I have every confidence that I have missed something here but I've thought that we might make our help forum here a little more helpful for the newcomers. This is my first indexing thread and is open to all appends and so on.
Please also note that the point of this thread isn't to list every single modding tool that there is but those that are used most often and are recommended. Any additions that are needed, just PM me.
As you might do with any mod READ the documentation either onsite or packaged with the programme before using it.[/color] Section One - COMMON UTILITIESWeiduAll support forums are hosted locally for this tool. It's main function was as Dialogue Compiler but it is now much more then that.
Tutorials -
here.Mainsite here -
here.Near InfinityA java based console which needs a the jave runtime environment in order to work, this tool can be seen as the 'jack of all trades'. It also is very useful if you use byte editing in your TP2 packages.
Main site -
here.Java site -
here.Infinity ExplorerA data browser for most IE games aside from IWDII (there are ways around this) this is an observational tool only.
Site -
here.Shadow KeeperA utility that allows the user to edit their saved games and/or characters.
Site -
here.IEEP - Infinity Engine Editor ProAlthough this tool has now been surpassed by DLTCEP this is still a tool that those new to modding might wish to take a look at. It has several utilities merged into the one application such as spell making, store making and item making. This tool does need VB6 drivers installed to make it work.
Site -
site.Drivers -
here.Updated DAT Files -
here.BAM WorkshopA utility that allows the creation and management of BAM's, imports and exports a whole and a host of other stuff.
Main Site -
here.Download -
here. Section Two - ADVANCED COMMON UTILITIESDLTCEPA tool that does practically everything most editors would want and is highly recommended and widely used. It also provides a GUI manner of operation for those that hate Weidu's natural command line as well as an option to use the DAT files for IEEP.
Main Site -
here.Tutorials -
here and
here.TIS PackA useful tool for those looking to distribute areas in their mods, this utility is handy for reducing the file size.
Main Site (FW/Avenger Version) -
here.Main Site (PPG Version) -
here.Infinity Engine Tileset Map EditorA program allows full area editing, including doors and overlays. New features include zooming, cloning(including walls), multiple tile editing for the map editor. There's also an indepth tutorial included in the package. to get you started.
Main Site -
here.BAM Workshop IIAn updated version of BAM Workshop that has a few extra features such as palette import and export.
Main Site -
here.Area CleanersA useful and easy to use utility that can be used to import BGI and IWDII areas into an acceptable BGII format.
Main page -
here.Section Three - OTHER UTILITIESThis is really where I've lumped other tools that might not be used as often as the above.
VVC UtilityAll larger or looping amnimations in IE need a VVC so that they will appear in game properly. This nice little programme, written in RapidQ allows quick and easy creation of the VVC files.
Main Site -
here.Creature MakerAnother useful programe that is dedicated to CRE files (creatures ingame).
Main Site -
here.AI Script FactoryAIScriptFactory a BAFBuilder/SnipSorter compatible tool - Script Snippet organizer. It has Batch mode BAF building (from snippet collections), Batch AICompiling, Component support, Text Editor support (including auto error log editing), an Enhanced file list (sorting, filespecs), drag & drop sorting, and Snippet path flexibility. You need to be registered with the Yahoo group IEModders for this.
Group -
here.Download -
here.ContextA distant cousin of notepade but much better, this is the programmers best friend. It has the ability to work on multiple documents for a variety of different coding languages such as python, C++ and so on. The main strength of adding it to this list however is that it has 'hi-lighters' as a very useful facility in which your coding will turn a different colour if done correctly.
Context -
here.Syntax hi-lighter for the dialogue (.d) conponent -
here.BAF hilighter -
here.KonvertorI found this nice little programme whilst looking through the archives at a different forum. Its worthy of a mention as it does what it says on the can, converts. Aside from Infinity Engine BAM's, it has every conceivable file format ranging from FRM (fallout) to 'The Sims', meaning that you'll be able to cross convert almost any file format at all. Its first love is with the French but an English version is available as well
Page/Download -
here.Audacity SoundforgeAs more and more mods are including sound and/or music files to add to their mods, download size is now coming under more scrutiny then ever. Recording music/voice clips in vorbis is an excellent manner of bringing the download size. Although not the best music editor around, it deals with the oggvorbis format favoured for sound files and is, of course, free.
Download -
hereDecompressor (for mod packaging) -
here.Snd2ACMA useful import from another modding community, the Fallout bunch, this is helpful for getting music files into Infinity Engine native ACM format. It was developed by Abel at TeamX and is a command line utility.
Link -
here***Addendum is a link to Dax's Virtual Server, you need registration to get in there. The server updates once every hour so if you register, give it 60 minutes or so.
Navigation is fairly straight forward.