Author Topic: IWD2 Ease of Use v16 and IWD2 Bonus Merchant v5 Now Available  (Read 758 times)

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IWD2 Ease of Use v16 and IWD2 Bonus Merchant v5 Now Available
« on: December 30, 2023, 09:14:22 AM »
A pair of updates for some of Wes' older IWD2 mods to shake out some old bugs and ensure compatibility with the new IWD2EE mod.

IWD2 Bonus Merchant

This is a mod that makes a bonus merchant in IWD2 selling equipment from BG2. If you've played BG2, you know how these bonus merchants work: vastly overpriced, moderately powerful items that you wouldn't get anywhere else.

v5 Changelog

  • General code modernization with things like being able to display the readme during install and version number logging.
  • Added Ribald's soundset from BG2, if available in the player's language
  • Equalizer was doing an extra 2d6 damage to evil, good, chaotic, lawful, and... elves. This is fixed.
  • Items which have spell effects on-hit or on-equip will now copy the effects directly from the underlying spell at installation time, allowing for compatibility with other mods that change spells (e.g. IWD2EE)
  • Fixed numerous small errors, e.g. some of the items had on-equip effects that could be dispelled or blocked by spell protections
  • Some typo fixes

IWD2 Ease of Use

This is a collection of useful mods put together by Westley Weimer for use on IWD2. Many of them were written by others.

v16 Changelog

  • Removed backup folder contents and changed backup location
  • Bugfixes has been deprecated. The fixes are already in IWD2EE and/or IWD2 Fixpack, and a dedicated project is a better home for fixes than a lone component in an otherwise late-install mod.
  • Infinite Stacking now searches dynamically for stackable items so that it will cover items added by mods
  • The following components were overwriting files and now patch them dynamically instead:  Non-Combat War Chant of the Sith,  Improved Holy Avenger,  No-Fists for Iron Body,  Deep Gnome Starting XP,  Improved Moonblades,  No Alignment Class Restrictions, Additional Druid Spells
  • Prior versions also overwrote the entire description of a spell or item when updating. Descriptions are instead changed dynamically for:  Improved Holy Avenger,  Improved Moonblades, Include Forgotten Armor and Shields
  • Two-Handed Greatsword Holy Avenger was targeting static offsets, which could result in the patch not working or actively breaking something else. The description now updates to reflect it's a two-handed weapon.
  • Changes to  Stronger Bastard Swords
    • Fang is now inserted into the Gallaway Trading Depot store via patch instead of overwrite, allowing it to be displayed in the store in a more natural place instead of at the end
    • Order's Nemesis and Rage of Chaos will copy their effects (Chaos on-hit, Chaotic Commands on-equip) directly from the spells at installation, meaning they'll reflect any changes made by other mods to these spells
    • Because these items are very different from the items they're replacing, this is one place where the mod still overwrites items
    • Several minor bugs in the items were fixed
  • Non-Linear Teleporting will no longer overwrite changes made by other mods to the generic, multiplayer dialogue file
  • Armor and Shields Provide Damage Resistance changes:
    • Now dynamically searches and patches items instead of the ~140 or so file overwrites it did before
    • The patch to convert creature defense to resistances was not working, as it was updating the wrong offsets
    • This component now updates an item's description to indicate the physical damage resistance of the item as a parenthetical next to the shield/armor bonus.
  • Include Forgotten Armor and Shields changes:
    • The dialogue changes here could overwrite large portions of dialogue files. Now that we have the tools these replacements are instead supplanted by smaller, compatibility patches that accomplish the same goals
    • Text patches were being used to update store inventories, which could result in the wrong (or no) change being made. It also eliminated the old item; the restorations are now simply added alongside the existing inventory
    • Oswald's new store was corrupt (bad offsets) and was not available in all of the right spots in Oswald's dialogue
    • Ogien's Scale was not actually restored
    • Zuvembie is no longer available from Oswald, as the item is indeed available in the game
  • Additional Druid Spells changes:
    • From Wes' to-do list, Magic Circle Against Evil has been added
    • Scrolls are now updated to be usable by druids
    • Spell descriptions are updated to reflect the druid level
    • No longer overwrites the master spell list
  • Alternate Shapeshifting changes
    • Several of the transformations were still playing sounds from the old transformation, e.g. you'd still get a wolf howl when changing into a Fomorian Giant
    • No longer overwrites every shapeshifting spell and druid ability table
    • Names of all but one of the Half-Dragon forms were missing
    • When adding to the innate spell list, it was assuming a fixed length and could therefore cause duplicate or missing entries on the list
  • Skip Battle Square now patches the dialogue in a much more mod-friendly fashion
  • Faster Oswald was recoded in such a way so that variable timers can be swiftly implemented. E.g. if there's player interest. timers can be reduced to 50% (or any other value) instead of zero
  • Other minor changes and re-organizations to help with future maintenance
  • Several typos corrected
The Gibberlings Three - Home of IE Mods

The BG2 Fixpack - All the fixes of Baldurdash, plus a few hundred more. Now available, with more fixes being added in every release.


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