Hello, I would like to request a feature to the WeiDU installer. I have a list of mods that could use this solution. I hope it could be integrated some day soon. Also opened GH issue here:
Problem description:EE games changed in-game text style formatting that is not compatible with classic BG style.
(For example: they changed " " to Unicode „ ”).
Proposed solution:Add an optional parameter (for example: EE_SUFFIX) to AUTO_TRA command that would allow supplying additional files pattern that should overwrite (only available stringrefs) currently processing file.
AUTO_TRA ~MyMod/Tra/%s/D~
So if we have file1.d and corresponding file1.tra and file1-ee.tra, then file1.tra would be loaded on classic engine, file1.tra and then file1-ee.tra would be loaded on EE game (in UTF-8 format already).
A real-life example is here:
https://github.com/Pocket-Plane-Group/Assassinations/pull/3/files where I had to append EE-specific files manually in ALWAYS clause before AUTO_TRA takes place.
Additional solutions:
Additionally, there could be an optional extension that would include also the whole new folder of EE-specific files to be loaded:
AUTO_TRA ~MyMod/Tra/%s/D~