Author Topic: Question to --traify  (Read 1420 times)

Offline jastey

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Question to --traify
« on: November 21, 2022, 03:26:16 AM »
EDIT: ok, the commend is supposed to be used as:
Code: [Select]
weidu --traify --traify-commentThen it works as expected. :)

From the weidu readme:
--traify-comment   | output @1 /*  Hello  */ rather than @1 when traifying
I wanted to traify a d-file so the text lines are preserved inside the d-file. From the weidu readme, I thought "--traify-comment" would do that. But if I try to use it, the lines get written into the game's dialog(F).tlk - the d-file remains untouched.
I used the command
Code: [Select]
weidu --traify-comment filename.dEDIT: this was weidu v249

Am I using the command wrongly or did I miss something?
« Last Edit: April 07, 2023, 03:16:14 AM by jastey »


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Re: [DONE] --Traify-comment
« Reply #1 on: November 21, 2022, 02:24:29 PM »
Here is an example of a .bat file, which may help you...

Code: [Select]
:: Create the directory for traified dialogs

if exist "ModFolder"\dialogue_traified goto d_tra_exists
mkdir "ModFolder"\dialogue_traified

:: INFO :: --traify-comment = .d or else are traified (with each files begin at @0) and (keep also the text in .d but "uncommented" inside /*...*/
:: INFO :: --traify# = .d or else are traified (with each files start at @"chosen number", like this "--traify# 1100" or "--traify# 1562") but do not keep the text in .d
:: INFO :: --traify-comment --traify# = .d or else are traified (with each files start at @"chosen number", like this "--traify# 1100" or "--traify# 1562") and (keep also the text in .d but "uncommented" inside /*...*/

:: "Dialogue.d Folder"

weidu --nogame --traify Branwen\dialogue\minscj.d  --traify# 500 --out Branwen\dialogue_traified\minscj
weidu --nogame --traify Anymod\Anyfolder\dialogue\anyfile.d     --traify-comment --out Anymod\dialogue_traified\anyfile
weidu --nogame --traify "ModFolder"\dialogue\".d name".d --traify-comment --traify# --out Anymod\dialogue_traified\".d name"
weidu --nogame --traify "ModFolder"\dialogue\".d name".d --traify-comment --traify# --out Anymod\dialogue_traified\".d name"


Offline jastey

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Re: [DONE] --Traify-comment
« Reply #2 on: November 22, 2022, 08:44:54 AM »
That is helpful, thanks.

I don't have the "programmer's eye", I see the listed commands in the weidu readme but I don't get without trying it out how they are suppposed to be used / in which combination and order.

Offline jastey

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Re: [DONE] --Traify-comment
« Reply #3 on: April 07, 2023, 03:14:48 AM »
I have another question with regard to the correct syntax. I used this to trify a d-file that already contained traified lines in it. I wanted the old tra to be considered and the texts to remain inside the d-file as a comment. The text of the lines already traified were included as a comment:
Code: [Select]
weidu --traify filename.d --traify-comment --traify-old-tra filename.traIn the resulting d-file, for all lines that were already traified with the commented text, the lines are now doubled like this:

Code: [Select]
IF ~~ THEN stick_catch_03
SAY @52 /* (Grey gets the stick and brings it back to you.) */ /* @52 /* (Grey gets the stick and brings it back to you.) */ */
IF ~~ THEN + stick_play

IF ~~ THEN stick_jump_01
SAY @53 /* (Grey is a Wolfhound, standing about a metre high at the shoulder and being about 7 feet tall standing on hind legs. He easily plucks the stick out of your raised hands while putting his legs on your shoulders, ignoring your yells, leaving a trace of slobber in your face.) */ /* @53 /* (Grey is a Wolfhound, standing about a metre high at the shoulder and being about 7 feet tall standing on hind legs. He easily plucks the stick out of your raised hands while putting his legs on your shoulders, ignoring your yells, leaving a trace of slobber in your face.) */ */

IF ~~ THEN stick_jump_02
SAY @54 /* (You succeed in moving the stick away in time before Grey can reach it.) */ /* @54 /* (You succeed in moving the stick away in time before Grey can reach it.) */ */
IF ~~ THEN + stick_play

I doesn't "hurt" since it is commented out, but it makes the d-files harder to read. In case this is due to how I called the actions I'd be happy if someone would point out how to prevent this.

Offline Wisp

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Re: Question to --traify
« Reply #4 on: December 09, 2023, 04:05:31 PM »
Most likely explanation is that somewhere along the line you wound up with comments like /* @52 */, or similar. traify then commented those trarefs as well. If I start from a partially traified file with comments I cannot reproduce it, however, so I don't know how this might have happened.

Offline jastey

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Re: Question to --traify
« Reply #5 on: December 13, 2023, 01:15:07 PM »
I don't think so, I wouldn't know how or why I'd comment out a traify number. I basically started with

Code: [Select]
IF ~~ THEN stick_catch_03
SAY @52 /* (Grey gets the stick and brings it back to you.) */
IF ~~ THEN + stick_play
So to me it looked like during the traify-process, everything behind the SAY was commented out and repeated - but if you can't reproduce it, then it's not a problem. I'll come back when I encounter it again and will pay attention to how the d-file looked before the traify-ing.


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