I have another question with regard to the correct syntax. I used this to trify a d-file that already contained traified lines in it. I wanted the old tra to be considered and the texts to remain inside the d-file as a comment. The text of the lines already traified were included as a comment:
weidu --traify filename.d --traify-comment --traify-old-tra filename.tra
In the resulting d-file, for all lines that were already traified with the commented text, the lines are now doubled like this:
IF ~~ THEN stick_catch_03
SAY @52 /* (Grey gets the stick and brings it back to you.) */ /* @52 /* (Grey gets the stick and brings it back to you.) */ */
IF ~~ THEN + stick_play
IF ~~ THEN stick_jump_01
SAY @53 /* (Grey is a Wolfhound, standing about a metre high at the shoulder and being about 7 feet tall standing on hind legs. He easily plucks the stick out of your raised hands while putting his legs on your shoulders, ignoring your yells, leaving a trace of slobber in your face.) */ /* @53 /* (Grey is a Wolfhound, standing about a metre high at the shoulder and being about 7 feet tall standing on hind legs. He easily plucks the stick out of your raised hands while putting his legs on your shoulders, ignoring your yells, leaving a trace of slobber in your face.) */ */
IF ~~ THEN stick_jump_02
SAY @54 /* (You succeed in moving the stick away in time before Grey can reach it.) */ /* @54 /* (You succeed in moving the stick away in time before Grey can reach it.) */ */
IF ~~ THEN + stick_play
I doesn't "hurt" since it is commented out, but it makes the d-files harder to read. In case this is due to how I called the actions I'd be happy if someone would point out how to prevent this.