Most recent changelog in the last post!
Turnabout updates to v1.5! Version 1.5 is now a unified version for all BGII games, thanks to Austin. It also considers alive Khalid if Lava's Khalid mod is installed (independent on install order) and comes with support for Project Infinity.
v1.5: -all instances for crossmod with Lava's Khalid for BGII mod considered.
v1.4: Unified version for classic BGII and EE, by Austin and jastey:
-Moved tp2 into mod folder.
-Added turnabout.ini with mod metadata , install order syntax, and globally unique LABELs to support Project Infininty.
-Crossmod with Lava's Khalid mod: if Khalid is alive, he can't be summoned via the pools.