Yeah, thank you!
Are the french .tra files totally updated? I know Isaya tried to translate all the .tra files on github...
Yes, french is updated. Many thanks to Isaya!
The only .tra file that is English-only is extra_tmp_ee.tra. extra_tmp.tra is just dialog.tlk lines that BG1UB uses. I went through and checked each string reference, updating it for BGEE. I was going to do the same for other languages (since I have all the EE dialog.tlk files), but I've realized that most of the lines in that file are only ever used by routines that run on Tutu/BGT installs (in other words, I wasted a few hours of my time).
So, I need to pare the file down to lines that 1) are used on BGEE installs and 2) are changed from the original BG1 dialog.tlk. Once I've done that legwork (which I should have done BEFORE I started my quixotic quest), I'll assemble versions of the file in languages other than English. But, at this point, I don't want anyone else wasting their time looking up string references that will never be used on EE installs.
There are translations needed for Spanish, German, Polish, and Russian (German and Polish have some of the new lines already translated). I posted details in the Translation thread.