As far as I know, yes. and I've had problems with trying EasyTutu as well. I feel this got farther along before screwing up.
What language game are you trying to make ? The EasyTutu is English only...
And how much do you follow the instruction ? Given that the Tutu mod is a Total Conversion mod, you need to follow it quite much to the letter, aka you can't have any other mods installed on either of the games (before you install the Tutu, so during and after, just follow
this guide).
And where did you install the games to ? This question is due to your Operation System (Windows XP SP3, Vista, 7 or 8, 8.1)likely blocking your user access to the C drives Program Files directory ... needing you to install elsewhere. The D drive shouldn't have this problem
On Windows 8 and 8.1, you have to install the game to the C:\Users\*username*\ sub-folders as all the other folders are user restricted to a various decrees(on C drive at least), for it to be mod-able.