Author Topic: Finally I'm back to Kelsey and wondering...  (Read 8671 times)

Offline Ankhesenpaaten

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Finally I'm back to Kelsey and wondering...
« on: July 18, 2014, 08:39:25 PM »
Since the Overhaul, is there any new content?  From the Readme, I don't think so, but then maybe it wouldn't.  I recall reading posts of a few things that people would love to see, such as Kelsey romancing a sorceress and acknowledging it, and also a way to gently break up with him.

Is there new content or is the Overhaul basically just the combining of SoA and ToB into one package?  I'll play him again anyway, but I'd love to know since it will determine whether I load him up right away or wait awhile. 

Also, maybe someone else may want to know.  I hope I didn't miss an obvious answer somewhere.  I'm not always that observant even when I try to find an answer.   :-[

Offline jcompton

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Re: Finally I'm back to Kelsey and wondering...
« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2014, 11:55:58 PM »
V3 and V4 were basically just technical fixes and the unified build, yes. There is definitely merit to making it easier and less abrupt to get out of the romance, but tweaking Kelsey now feels a bit like trying to alter a house of cards. If I start tearing Kelsey's dialogues apart, I know I'm going to see things that make me cringe and that I really, really, really want to change. And alter. And probably remove outright. And before long there wouldn't be anything left. Like unraveling a sweater.

Sure, I could follow a rule like "I can only add content, I cannot take any away" and that might help, but then I'd be getting a headache. So I turn away and do other things...

I'll look this over again when I have a little free time and see if, at least, I can add a few extra replies of the "thanks, but no thanks" variety.
Cespenar says, "Kelsey and friends be at the Pocket Plane? Ohhh yesssss!"

Offline Ankhesenpaaten

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Re: Finally I'm back to Kelsey and wondering...
« Reply #2 on: July 26, 2014, 06:41:14 PM »
Thank you for the answer!  I'll "play" with Kelsey anyway!  ;)  It's been a while.

I get the feeling you mean. I write fanfiction these days and when I go back over something older I also see things that I'm tempted to fix or just plain delete. 

If you ever do add content maybe you'll just need somebody ready to slap your hands if you try to remove anything you find cringe-worthy.  :D  Remember, tho, none of US think it is!  We've loved him for years and won't stop now.

And you, too, Jason Compton!  You made romance (other than Anomen) possible.  We are eternally in your debt.  *bows* 


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Re: Finally I'm back to Kelsey and wondering...
« Reply #3 on: July 27, 2014, 11:47:38 PM »
Awww, thank you. :) But it should be remembered that Solaufein was the first published Anomen alternative.

I will think on the updates.
Cespenar says, "Kelsey and friends be at the Pocket Plane? Ohhh yesssss!"

Offline Kulyok

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Re: Finally I'm back to Kelsey and wondering...
« Reply #4 on: July 28, 2014, 01:21:11 AM »
I liked Kelsey a lot, and I think it's great. Additions-wise, maybe a few extra player-initiated options just to make the player smile? "I'm a sorcerer, too/Got some of that honey left?" Something like that.

Of course, now that most non-romanceable characters got long and verbose player-initiated menus, you'll probably be asked about THAT, too.

Offline Ankhesenpaaten

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Re: Finally I'm back to Kelsey and wondering...
« Reply #5 on: July 29, 2014, 06:48:40 PM »
I liked Kelsey a lot, and I think it's great. Additions-wise, maybe a few extra player-initiated options just to make the player smile? "I'm a sorcerer, too/Got some of that honey left?" Something like that.

Of course, now that most non-romanceable characters got long and verbose player-initiated menus, you'll probably be asked about THAT, too.
Awww, thank you. :) But it should be remembered that Solaufein was the first published Anomen alternative.

I will think on the updates.

Thanks for at least thinking about it. 

And yes, I should have included Solaufein, as I did know he was the actual first alternative.  I, in my mind, consider Kelsey first because Solaufein is so gender-neutral that other than "My Lord" or "My Lady" he doesn't really make you feel that he knows which you are one way or the other in his romance.  Don't get me wrong, anyone, I loved Solaufein!  But Kelsey was the first other than Anomen to truly KNOW that I am a woman and make me feel like one. 


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