jastey, thank you so much for putting this up.

You enabled me to cross some stuff off my to-do list as well. I had kept notes of the things that weren't included in v13. I have now rigorously tested the v13.1 beta package and can happily confirm that everything left on my list is included and working.

Now I want to submit one correction regarding the readme. All the things marked as having been added in v13 but documented afterwards were actually missing in v13, i.e. they were not part of the v13 release and are only now available in v13.1. The v13 readme was actually complete and correct for the state of the v13 package. jastey, I believe I confused you when
I talked about what was still missing in v13 two years ago. I'm sorry if I expressed myself poorly. The fact is: All of these things are NOT included in the v13 package:
- your correction of COPY_EXISTING ~%tutu_var%MISC79.ITM~ ~override/UBFEBODY.ITM~
- my updated German tra files
- correcting the weight in the wyvern head description
- making the winter wolf pelt's description visible
Remember that v13 was simply your beta package from January 21, 2012? That's why these things didn't make it in. For instance, I only finished the tra files on January 27, so they were not in the beta package from January 21 which became v13. Anyway, all you need to do is to edit bg1ub-readme.html and bg1ub.txt to correctly reflect this. That means:
Move "Scar and the Sashenstar's Daughter: corrected the OUTER_SPRINT..." down to v13.1 BUGFIXES.
Move "Made the expanded Winter Wolf Pelt's description visible (by Hurricane)" down to v13.1 BUGFIXES.
Move "Improved German translation by Hurricane..." down to v13.1 CHANGES.
Move "Correction of the weight in the expanded Wyvern Head's description..." down to v13.1 CHANGES.
Remove "Update of the readme ... Some included components weren't listed." from the v13.1 CHANGES, if you want.
And the change-log in bg1ub.txt needs to be adjusted accordingly.
Everything else about v13.1 in the readme is correct.