I am using v10, straight from the website here. I used 7zip to extract the folder DC + the Setup-DC to my BG2EE mods folder then copied those two pieces into the BG2EE directory. I did the same exact 7zip extraction for the sound sets and The Picture Standard. TPS, installed wonderfully. Granted those are just image files and the sound sets were just copied straight into Lang\en-US\Sounds folder.
I have verified the folder twice and installed it twice, all mods that actually mod the game files or add in extra content, minus picture portraits and sounds, all of them show the same error of not seeing the libiconv2.dll file. My AV is Vipre and is fine with me installing mods for this folder as I have excluded all game folders from the AV when I install a new game.
The semi-colon thing, not sure on. Both files from the archive are already inside the BG2 directory and do not query where the game executable is or ask me to locate it. So, and this is just moi, I think that character is a moot issue.
Hopefully, I have answered the questions you asked about. I may just go ahead and uninstall them and install them to my C: drive. I just hate putting game files on my operating system drive.
Anyway, luck and loot to you all and may your favorite loin cloth always be a +1.
(The slayer of all Ritz crackers)