Greetings good nobleman and noblemaidens.
I have been playing Tutu for a while by now, without any problems with these mods:
BGtutu UB, the friendship mods from tutu improvement, EasyTutu NPC kits, WeiDU item upgrade., thalantyr item upgrade and the BG1 Banterpack
However since I had installed the WeiDU compilation: The BG2 Fixpack Area 3601, the flesh golem cave in the lighthouse area, vanished. I had then tried to reinstall various mods along with Siirine's Call, because I believed one uninstall during the reinstall removed the area.
See here, this happened during one reinstall process, which comfirmed my suspicion.
The question now is, how can I reinstall the area into tutu, without to make a complete reinstall?