I can't wait to play this again on my latest install. I had so much fun and I was vastly relieved to find out that I don't need to know a damned thing about the Trilogy to enjoy the hells out of it.
I found it challenging, fun, and even hilarious in parts. The fact that some Drow are desperate and needy gave me a good laugh.
And whoever had that Drow you had to SPOILER
snap his neck say, "Gherk!" almost made me pee my pants laughing. If it was Kulyok she almost owed me a new pair of undies! Lol! I do recall choking a bit on my Diet Coke, tho.
This was just plain fun and I'm looking forward to it again within the next day or so.
Congrats and appreciation to all involved! And the voicing is fantastic, too! And yeah, that dude (whose name I forget) is really hawt... *fans self*