Author Topic: Immediate Error Message on EasyTutuManager startup  (Read 4606 times)


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Immediate Error Message on EasyTutuManager startup
« on: April 20, 2013, 05:12:56 PM »
Hey all,

I've spent hours googling and trawling various forums, to no avail. This may be an easy fix, but as of yet I haven't found anything to help.

I'm trying to run EasyTutu (Windows 7, 64 bit), and the second I run the EasyTutuManager, I get a vague error message: "EasyTutuManager has stopped working". The process never appears in the Task Manager.

I got the right version (EasyTutu_ToB) and my BG files are not located in Program Files. For what it's worth, I've installed the BG games from the DnD Anthology Master Collection. ( ). The installation is Full because, far as I can tell, there are no install options for this anthology other than Full - installation customization here is pretty limited. I have the newest patches, too.

I've tried booting up in Safe Mode, running as Admin, checking my .NET framework in the Registry Editor, and all the other relevant fixes I could find.

In my hours of searching I haven't seen anyone with the same problem I have - which leads me to believe it's a simple oversight on my part, but I simply cannot figure it out. Any help anyone could send my way would be FANTASTIC.

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Re: Immediate Error Message on EasyTutuManager startup
« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2013, 11:12:56 PM »
You could try installing legacy EasyTutu instead:

Also: I'm not familiar with the DnD Master Collection, but it has TotSC as a part of your installation, right? Otherwise the installer really won't work.


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Re: Immediate Error Message on EasyTutuManager startup
« Reply #2 on: April 21, 2013, 05:11:36 PM »
I think that worked! The install did, anyway - I have yet to try to run the game. I really don't know enough to say why it worked, but it did, and I'm grateful. Thanks!


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