Author Topic: What the triggers are for blah  (Read 3941 times)


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What the triggers are for blah
« on: February 18, 2013, 07:42:16 PM »
Came across another issue, I want a certain Dialogue to trigger after Nimbul's death, however; I can't find a suitable trigger, probably because Nimbul doesn't actually have a death Variable. Do I have to set one for him so that my trigger works, or is there a trigger I can use so that when he dies, my dialogue runs right after he dies?

Also, (and Yes I have looked at the IESDP list) can I use one of these triggers for a different dialogue that I want to occur right after someone leaves an area?

Offline Kulyok

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Re: What the triggers are for blah
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2013, 11:33:43 PM »
The simplest way is an I_C_T in Nimbul's dialogue, it sets a variable you can later track:

I_C_T NimbulDialogue 999 PrefixVariableNimbulTrigger
== MyNPC IF ~InParty("MyNPC") InMyArea("MyNPC") !StateCheck("MyNPC",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~Myahaha, now I can trigger dialogue via PrefixVariableNimbulTrigger, because it'll be automatically set to 1 after this interjection!~

It has the obvious drawback of only triggering if MyNPC is in party at the moment - but then again, it may be just what you need. I hesitate to offer other means(adding a death variable, altering Nimbul's script if he doesn't have a unique one, or adding ALTER_TRANS, because it may kill BG1 NPC and other interjections, just like with Mulahey).

If Nimbul DOES have a unique script, like MyNimbulScript, it's even easier: either find a unique variable in his script and use it, or add this block to his script:


And use MyPrefixVar later.


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Re: What the triggers are for blah
« Reply #2 on: February 19, 2013, 08:53:34 AM »
OMG Kulyok I LOVE IT, you are a freaking genius!! you really are! OMG I can't wait to just finish this mod, I think this will be the last road block, thanks for your help!


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