Author Topic: Kelsey's flirts are the best!  (Read 9760 times)

Offline Kulyok

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Kelsey's flirts are the best!
« on: January 23, 2013, 01:12:24 AM »
So, I was about to write a few flirts, and I decided to take a look at Kelsey's ToB ones, to compare. They are so HOT! I mean, these make you *feel* it - and give you more about Kelsey's character, which pretty cool. So, I'd say that even after all these years, Kelsey's flirts are the best. :) And we're all doomed.

I'll go write some flirts now. But only after I look at that Kelsey massage...


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Re: Kelsey's flirts are the best!
« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2013, 01:33:31 AM »
That's the reason why I do *not* look at other mod's flirts, because then
-I feel dumb and uncapable because the other modder's are so much better than anything I could have ever written
- have the impression all good ideas are taken
-spend time with reading I should actually use for writing
-need more time to recover and find my courage back

Funny enough, there are still new ideas coming up.

To stay on topic: I didn't romance Kelsey (for very long, I like romancing Anomen too much), so I don't know the ToB flirts.

Well, like him or not, Kelsey is a trailblazing NPCs all others have to compare to! So, enjoy the massage before returning to work! :)

Offline Kulyok

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Re: Kelsey's flirts are the best!
« Reply #2 on: January 23, 2013, 02:02:34 AM »
Work. Damn. :)

And, yeah, I feel inadequate after reading good flirts. To me it's about sex: do I write bold flirts? But won't it seem like rape? What about timid flirts? But won't it seem, well, timid? And how to get myself in the mood so they seem arousing? I think Kelsey's got a perfect balance(and, yep, I'm a bit of a prude, but I enjoy them greatly anyway).

... Work. Sigh.


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