Thanks for the quick replies
OK, so I have downloaded and had a little play around with WeiDU. It seems like you can get much deeper in the dialogue editing stuff by this method! But no more ncie easy GUI
, oh well it was going to happen sooner or later! Kulyok: now I see your point about editing the .baf scripts this way and compiling at the end - makes sense.
plainab: just to check I am getting the jist of your example, it looks like you have made a modding script (this is what a .tp2 is right?) that changes the values in the .cre files to give every creature 10% more gold. This is an action that would be applied as a one-off, for example just before starting a new game. If so then this is not exactly what I meant ... I was wondering if was possible to do math kind of on-the-fly within an AI script. For example, if I set a couple of variables as follows
then I want to make a new global variable, in response to some trigger, that is (for example) equal to the product of these two.
If, as you say, Near Infinity is just a way of looking up and setting values then I guess it won't have this kind of functionality. Can WeiDU save me here? I had a go at exporting a .BCS file using WeiDU and just ended up with a text file with exactly the same commands as in Near Infinity. Is it possible to use some of the mathsy operators you described in an AI script this way?
Thanks again, and let me know if I'm barking up the wrong tree here!