Author Topic: Other Illusion Spells  (Read 5453 times)

Offline Shadowblade

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Other Illusion Spells
« on: September 26, 2011, 11:28:53 AM »
Is it possible for you to make Phantasmal Force, Improved Phantasmal Force, Spectral Force, Shadow Magick and Demi-Shadow Magick Spells?

At the most basic level they would mimic Evocations (maybe some Conjurations) with a saving throw (with bonuses for missing sensory elements) for no damage at all instead of half damage, even if the normal spell has no save or automatically hits.

I think BG2 has Phantasmal Killer, but it would be great to see it in BG1 and FotD.



Offline Echon

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Re: Other Illusion Spells
« Reply #1 on: September 26, 2011, 11:53:50 AM »
Phantasmal Force, Improved Phantasmal Force and Spectral Force are already on the to do list and will be similar to Shadow Monsters and Demishadows Monsters. I think Shadow Magic and Demishadow Magic would be possible to implement but in my opinion they are not very desirable spells and I would not use them. The illusionary monsters, on the other hand, add something new to the game.

Offline Shadowblade

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Re: Other Illusion Spells
« Reply #2 on: September 27, 2011, 11:16:51 AM »
That's probably a valid point, but it would be fun to have multi-coloured Magick Missile PFs' (save at +2) and Fireballs doing illusory damage, especially as Illusionists have very few damaging spells and in BG1 tend to rely on Enchantments, Alterations and Conjurations. Unless one plays Vanilla cheat mode and let them have Invocations



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