Author Topic: NWN Solaufein install problem  (Read 5309 times)

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NWN Solaufein install problem
« on: January 01, 2011, 12:44:20 AM »
I have decided to finally play Neverwinter Nights and have installed the Gold Edition complete with HotUD. I patched it and then tried to "install" the Solaufein romance because I loved it when I played it with BG2 years ago.

Anyway, I see that it doesn't really "install" like a "normal" mod does. I downloaded what seems to be the right romance according to the Readme and dragged the files into the said folders.

I still, no matter what, get the "cannot load module because of missing custom talk table" or something like that. I've tried to find help but all threads are not only years old, but I cannot find an answer that helps me at all.

Has anyone played with Solaufein recently and know what the problem could be?

Desperate here!


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