Author Topic: Item Upgrade - "No valid replies or links"  (Read 26967 times)

Jonathan A

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Re: Item Upgrade - "No valid replies or links"
« Reply #25 on: January 27, 2011, 05:45:16 AM »
Ok, I found the install bug:
  BEGIN XO#ItemUp02
three times, instead of 02 03 04.

Fixed that.

Another bug (I think)
I forged an amulet of Ilmater, then went and forged some of the standard items (like white dragon scale)
And got another amulet of Ilmater as well as the armour.

And probably related to this double item bug, is that he also talked to me twice, the first time with the "a good day to ye me friend... something you need?"
Then again straight after with the "Use it well..."

So it's double triggering the create and the dialog somehow.


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Re: Item Upgrade - "No valid replies or links"
« Reply #26 on: February 07, 2012, 09:43:31 PM »
NVROL when the dialogue gets to belts (3 belts of AC vs dmg type) with v38 because I just discovered v39 exists!

After a tedious search through WSMITH01.DLG in NI I find nothing wrong (but I'm no modder or anything).

I changed some numbers around in State 141 (It should go to response 425 with 4 possible responses; I changed those to 426 and 3) and managed to get the dialog to skip that part, to be clear I get the line "Hmmm I could do something with these belts..." then it skips to next check and I can reach further choices (Amulet of Ilmater :D) so that works for me as temp fix!

I guess the error is within response 425 maybe? I have no clue this is my first time looking into a dlg file :p
Any help debugging it appreciated or I'll be a baddie and get the belt with CLUA or SK  8)


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Re: Item Upgrade - "No valid replies or links"
« Reply #27 on: February 07, 2012, 10:21:03 PM »
Actually I failed to edit the # responses and left it at 4 but that's the only way I can get the rest of the dialog. I've tried few more things to no change!
Oh well I can live w/o AC+3 belt and I don't even have girdle of piercing yet  ;D

I bet it's probably fixed in v39 anyway!  :-X


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