what is pocket planes group opinion on darkest day?
well if you think it sucks why?
I like the kits ideas.. not sure if there great but sure added alot of kits with what seems to be cool abilities? someone was saying that the people that moded TDD have little or no knowledge of FR is this agreeable and why? Anyway are there any mods that add kits like it or better with cool items and new spells that don't change the way the original spells looked in the game? I think the way IWD spells look suck monkey nuts I like the deafult shadow door as well as all the rest of the casting except i changed the way fire balls looks note I like the way the default meteor storm looks people who change the way the casting looks mostly made it looked worse from what mods I have down loaded in the past. Ex: when you cast petrify or denigrate I like the default energy ball in front of your casters hand before she/he finishes incantation. People who moded those to change really made it look like crap.
I was reading a old thread and found that someone actually thought Alan Rickman voiced over Irenicus ahaha what a noob.
Anyway my main question was does anybody remember what mod added the sword The Disemboweler a purple sword if I remember correctly was found in underdark somewhere. The description was something like who ever forged this sword had a cruel intent of tearing out someones entrails note the end of the blade had a jagged edge. Rendering the blade only to be used by people of evil nature.