Because of the complete lack of CTDs regardless of character creation choices, I decided to document exactly how this install was created.
Notes for EasyTutu installation running on a 2.6 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo 17" MacBook Pro with 4 GB of 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM; booting from an external 800 Firewire drive configured with OS X 10.5.8. [Internal drive is running OS X 10.6.2, and you really can't run EasyTutu effectively on Snow Leopard - you can slaughter and dress a steer in the time it takes to load and save games - works fine under Leopard however. Native ToB runs a little slower under Snow Leopard, but nothing really terrible. It should be noted that the present tp2 install script for weidu-mac v211 fails under Snow Leopard - it asks for an administrator's password to perform installs into protected system directories, but never recognizes the password as valid - this process works fine under Leopard.]
1) Used full install of ToB, with the official patch to 2.1.2.
2) Renamed the ToB Music folder to BG2Music.
3) Renamed the data and movie folders in a full install of ToSC to bg1data and bg1movies and moved them into the ToB folder. Moved the Music folder in ToSC over to the ToB folder. Threw away the ToSC folder.
4) Unpacked the May 8, 2008 version of OSX-TutuCore_ToB.rar, and placed the unpacked files/folders inside the ToB folder, overwriting the existing files/folders, with the exception of the unpacked "data" folder, which was opened and the one file inside, "spawns.bif" was placed in the ToB folder "data".
5) Renamed the ToB folder to EasyTutu.
6) Placed the contents of OSX-Tutufix_v17 into the EasyTutu folder, and ran the command file. In the subsequent Terminal window, chose the "Patch" option to patch EasyTutu so that it would set newly created characters to Level 1 (rather than BG2's seventh level creations). The patch partially failed:
0x0051bc95 = 000001
0x00af0de5 = 000001
0x0051bca1 = 2625a0
0x00af0df1 = 2625a0
the first two in the list patched, the second two failed. I didn't make any kit options (general forum commentary indicated that EasyTutu NPC Kits is the cleaner route to assigning kits to the BG1 NPC characters).
7) Installed the following using weidu-mac v211 (from
~SETUP-TUTUFIX.TP2~ #0 #2 // Restored BG1 Loadscreens
~SETUP-TUTUFIX.TP2~ #0 #3 // BG2 Ammo Stacks
~SETUP-TUTUFIX.TP2~ #0 #5 // BG1 Summoning Spells
~SETUP-EASYTUTUNPCKITS.TP2~ #0 #0 // Assign a kit to Ajantis? -> Ajantis: Cavalier
~SETUP-EASYTUTUNPCKITS.TP2~ #0 #7 // Assign a kit to Dynaheir? -> Dynaheir: Specialist Mage
~SETUP-EASYTUTUNPCKITS.TP2~ #0 #9 // Assign a kit to Edwin? -> Edwin: Specialist Mage
~SETUP-EASYTUTUNPCKITS.TP2~ #0 #13 // Assign a kit to Faldorn? -> Faldorn: Avenger
~SETUP-EASYTUTUNPCKITS.TP2~ #0 #17 // Assign a kit to Garrick? -> Garrick: Jester
~SETUP-EASYTUTUNPCKITS.TP2~ #0 #21 // Assign a kit to Imoen? -> Imoen: Swashbuckler
~SETUP-EASYTUTUNPCKITS.TP2~ #0 #27 // Assign a kit to Khalid? -> Khalid: Wizard Slayer
~SETUP-EASYTUTUNPCKITS.TP2~ #0 #29 // Assign a kit to Kivan? -> Kivan: Archer
~SETUP-EASYTUTUNPCKITS.TP2~ #0 #35 // Assign a kit to Safana? -> Safana: Assassin
~SETUP-EASYTUTUNPCKITS.TP2~ #0 #38 // Assign a kit to Shar-Teel? -> Shar-Teel: Barbarian
~SETUP-EASYTUTUNPCKITS.TP2~ #0 #45 // Assign a kit to Xan? -> Xan: Specialist Mage
~SETUP-EASYTUTUNPCKITS.TP2~ #0 #47 // Assign a kit to Xzar? -> Xzar: Specialist Mage
~SETUP-TUTUSOUNDS.TP2~ #0 #0 // Casting Sounds -> Restored BG1 Casting Sounds And Special Effects
~SETUP-TUTUSOUNDS.TP2~ #0 #2 // Restored BG1 Combat Sounds
~TXTMUSIC/TXTMUSIC.TP2~ #0 #0 // Restored Textscreen Music for BG1TuTu, EasyTutu, and BGT-WeiDU
Tutusounds v4 (a self extracted Windows executable) came from the pocketplane group web site. I used VMWare Fusion for an emulator (VMWare supports cloning and I made an exact duplicate of my wife’s IBM T22 laptop - instant PC XP SP3 in a window, and runs it better than the T22 ever did, and you can drag files between the two systems at will). Some Mac archive software packages recognize self-extracting exe’s and can get the archived files out, but Fusion gives a lot of additional flexibility. In any case, there are three files, setup-tutusounds.exe, setup-tutusounds.tp2, and a tutusounds folder after you expand tutusounds.exe. I threw away “setup-tutusounds.exe” - that is just the PC version of weidu (weidu.exe), and placed copies of the tutusounds folder and setup-tutusounds.tp2 into the “EasyTutu” folder, and did the usual rename the weidu-mac file (to “setup-tutusounds”). All of the sounds in the “tutusounds” folder are already WAVC files, there is no sound decompression software (sox) needed. In OS X’s Application/Utilities folder, I started the Terminal application, getting the usual prompt in a sparse window. After the prompt, I typed “cd” and a space and dragged the EasyTutu Folder over the Terminal window to change directories to “EasyTutu”. Typed the following (without the quotations): “./setup-tutusounds”. Hit return and the mod’s tp2 script file ran perfectly.
Restored Text Screens Music (currently v7) put the original background music back into EasyTutu when the voiceover reads the introduction and dream sequence narratives, and were downloaded from Spellhold Studios: TxtMusic_ENG.rar and TxtMusic_v7.rar. Unpacked (with UnRarX - what a great little utility - send the author the requested donation if used!) the TxtMusic_v7.rar and dragged the folder “TxtMusic” into EasyTutu. Opened the folder “TxtMusic” - inside are a number of files and folders. Opened the “Language” folder then the “English” folder inside of it. Now unpacked the “TxtMusic_ENG.rar” archive, and kept opening folders until at a list of ogg files (like dream1e.ogg). Moved all the ogg files from that folder into the “English” folder. Closed the archives. Closed the “Language” folder. Now in the TxtMusic folder there was a TxtMusic.tp2 file and an oggdec.exe file. Threw away the oggdec.exe file and replaced it with “sox” from the weidu-mac 211 folder. Opened the TxtMusic.tp2 file with OS X's standard TextEdit v1.5 text editor. Did a find on all instances of “oggdec.exe” and replaced that with “sox” to deal with compressed ogg sound files [for the curious, use the open source VLC media player to listen to ogg files without having to decompress them]. Did a find on all instances of “del” and replaced that with the Unix shell equivalent “rm”. Now here’s the tedious part. Lots of tp2 scripts don’t have output file names in their scripts when using “oggdec.exe” because the default output is a WAV file with the exact same name as the input file. Alas, sox doesn’t work that way. It wants an output file name. Hence, every line in TxtMusic.tp2 that said:
AT_NOW ~TxtMusic/sox TxtMusic/Language/%LANGUAGE%/dream1e.ogg~
or this
AT_NOW ~TxtMusic/sox TxtMusic/Language/English/A6PROLOG.ogg~
needed to be replaced with:
AT_NOW ~TxtMusic/sox TxtMusic/Language/%LANGUAGE%/dream1e.ogg TxtMusic/Language/%LANGUAGE%/dream1e.WAV~
and this respectively:
AT_NOW ~TxtMusic/sox TxtMusic/Language/English/A6PROLOG.ogg TxtMusic/Language/English/A6PROLOG.WAV~
There were 26 AT NOW lines that were modified. Saved the the tp2 script file changes and closed the “TxtMusic” folder. Changed the weidu executable name in the EasyTutu folder to “setup-TxtMusic” and ran “./setup-TxtMusic” in the Terminal window. Installed successfully.

I ran BG Config at this point, shut off 3D acceleration (I don't particularly care for degreenifier - too many places where the water is so transparent as to not be there - that said, the fact that it works at all is pretty amazing), set the color to 32 bit, set the game difficulty to "core rules", the performance sliders to maximum machine performance, and the screen size to 1024 x 768.
9) Put the ToB disk in the DVD drive so that the Bioware copy protection code could fondle it and started the game. Got the Baldur's Gate starting screen (correct) and the BG2 ToB dialog about Watcher's Keep (not so correct, but simply chose the on-screen option "never show again" - problem solved). Restored Text Screen Music worked great, with the opening spoken dialog nicely matching the scrolling text - good start! Went to character creation and got a pleasant surprise - could make any character type with any kit - in my past creations of EasyTutu games, a number of race/occupation/kit choices would CTD - a known OS X tutu bug, but there were several arcane (but workable) fixes for this.
10) Game started normally, and CHARNAME was properly set to a Level 1 character. Wandered around in Candlekeep, did the usual conversations and saved the game. Created this document to post to a modder forum - perhaps someone can determine why this configuration doesn't display the CTD character creation bug. My apologies for some of the tedious "mod install 101" commentary - I wrote the file originally for myself to put into the install folder, and then decided to post it.