Author Topic: Dragon Age is out, they say  (Read 30327 times)

Offline Kulyok

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Dragon Age is out, they say
« on: November 06, 2009, 11:26:35 AM »
Anyone tried it yet?

Offline Eleima

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Re: Dragon Age is out, they say
« Reply #1 on: November 06, 2009, 11:46:55 AM »
Aye, just got it today.  And it is so many different kinds of awesome, I don't even know where to begin.  Definitely worth a try if you get the opportunity.
The graphics are nice, about on par with what we had with Mass Effect (some say they're not as good, but who am I to complain?), the story so far is compelling (I'm a few hours in), the interaction between the NPCs reaches BG2 standards (and even beyond, in my opinion), the music fits in seamlessly...  It's a worthy heir to the classic RPGs that I all know and love.
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Offline Kulyok

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Re: Dragon Age is out, they say
« Reply #2 on: November 06, 2009, 12:11:08 PM »
Oh, I have it, too, I just started playing the tutorial for the Danish(?) elves. Haven't seen much of it, yet, though - hence the asking.

From what I've seen, controls kinda look like Neverwinter Nights(with all these skills/talents to pick it looks a bit too complicated to me, but maybe I'll get over it). Graphics, yep, I was disappointed, but then again, it could be worse, and I'm the type who likes clean-cut BG and Diablo, anyway, so don't listen to me.

So... If the story is as compelling as you say, I probably should give it a try. :)

Offline Kulyok

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Re: Dragon Age is out, they say
« Reply #3 on: November 07, 2009, 06:10:26 AM »
So! I played it for a few hours, too, and I must say, it's indeed enjoyable.

I'd complain about the lack of real isometric view, and say how NPCs are bland and the story is really bland and bla-bla-bla, but, really, though I don't fancy re-playing it, playing it once seems worth it. It has pretty faces and pretty cutscenes and pretty voices and pretty blood and lots of bad jokes. It's not a masterpiece, it will be forgotten in time, but, hey, means more people will play Baldur's Gate and our mods. And the good thing, after four or five hours or so, it starts becoming immersive. They rip off Martin and Anomen and Forgotten Realms and whoever, but their world seems to hold together somehow.

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Re: Dragon Age is out, they say
« Reply #4 on: November 07, 2009, 06:17:23 AM »
P.S. Anyone else going for a lesbian romance? I sure am. And I'll be REALLY disappointed if Anomen(or whatever he's called here, A-something, trains the new recruits) is the only option. Man, this guy sucks so much I'd rather date a woman. And I liked Anomen!

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Re: Dragon Age is out, they say
« Reply #5 on: November 07, 2009, 09:21:41 AM »
Man, that's disgusting.

I completed a few quests, and a guy showed up to offer me to go to Soldier's Peak. But! Surprise, surprise: to go there, I have to create an online bioware/ea account, then put online money on it, then download 650 mb of extra content(assuming my connection is capable of such a feat) and only then, if it installs - play.

At least in IWD you had no links to HoW or TotL, if you didn't have the expansions installed.

Honestly, I'm angry. Angry about Bioware doing the adverts instead of eliminating the quest, if it's not installed. Angry about this "online download" thingy. These people haven't yet found out that having Internet and playing games are two different things? That we here can buy a couple of CDs or DVDs, but online download is out of the question, if you don't live in Moscow or St Peterburg, because connection is scarce, expensive and slow? That forcing us to use e-money(something I'd certainly never do, except for charity) and not offering an option to buy an extra CD instead is wrong?


Offline Kulyok

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Re: Dragon Age is out, they say
« Reply #6 on: November 08, 2009, 02:19:24 AM »
And now they're forcing a companion on me. (Mage tower) An old woman, no less. And there're only four party members, too. :( Ye gods, will these people never learn?

Offline Eleima

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Re: Dragon Age is out, they say
« Reply #7 on: November 08, 2009, 04:25:45 AM »
For perhaps the first time, (drum roll), I disagree with you, Kulyok!!  ;)   I actually like Alistair, and find he's nothing like Anomen.  Alistair is the prototype of the the young knight/squire, I'll give you that, but when it comes to characterization, he has a very different personality: he's witty, he's irreverent, he teases...  I like him, I find him endearing.  But of course, if he's not for you, you can always hold out and wait for Zevran to appear (I think I read somewhere he'll be the other romanceable male).
As for lesbian romances...  Even if I did swing that way, I find that Morrigan gets on my nerve, and Leliana is well...  kinda bland (but then again, I haven't seen much of her, so I shouldn't judge too quickly).  Anyways, that's why I was all too glad to kick Morrigan out of the group in favor of Wynne ( a much better, more effective mage, in my opinion, and that healing of hers is *really* handy).  And it made sense story-wise to take her along in the Mage Tower.

As for the shameless marketing poly with the guy in the camp, and the other at the pass, and their sales pitch...  Yeah, I agree....  Kinda cheap of them.  :(
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Re: Dragon Age is out, they say
« Reply #8 on: November 08, 2009, 07:11:09 AM »
That we here can buy a couple of CDs or DVDs, but online download is out of the question, if you don't live in Moscow or St Peterburg, because connection is scarce, expensive and slow?
This way they can sell (or bundle) hundreds of small and large mods, rather than just a single CD*. In about an year, they'll likely sell a GOTY edition containing all official mods ever released. You should've waited for that  :)

*taken to its logical extremes, a "full" edition of Guitar Hero or Gran Turismo 5 will likely cost some grands.
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Re: Dragon Age is out, they say
« Reply #9 on: November 08, 2009, 09:54:19 AM »
Well, at least Bio+EA won't go bankrupt. That's the good side, I suppose.

@Eleima: Yes, he's a nice guy, I agree. And some romantic quirks make him even more interesting. Can't romance him for love or money, though.
Anyway! Just met my second romance option AND HE CRACKS BAD JOKES, TOO! Argh! ;D

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Re: Dragon Age is out, they say
« Reply #10 on: November 08, 2009, 12:20:42 PM »
I got it three days ago and have not even had time to install it yet. This should change soon, though, and hopefully it will fulfill some of my unrealistic expectations.

Offline GeN1e

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Re: Dragon Age is out, they say
« Reply #11 on: November 08, 2009, 02:14:59 PM »
And now they're forcing a companion on me. (Mage tower) An old woman, no less. And there're only four party members, too.
I heard, having Morrigan around may result in entirely new outcome of that encounter than getting a companion.

I have to create an online bioware/ea account, then put online money on it, then...
Say "No" to buying games in parts!

Well, at least Bio+EA won't go bankrupt. That's the good side, I suppose.
Would you mind eating less mushrooms for dinner? I understand your reasoning for Bio, but EA?.. EA IS EVIL!!!

Offline Kulyok

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Re: Dragon Age is out, they say
« Reply #12 on: November 08, 2009, 02:30:12 PM »
No, Morrigan did nothing to Wynne. Nothing happened, actually. I completed the tower task and got rid of Wynne. She's standing in the hallway of the tower wearning just panties and bra now.

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Re: Dragon Age is out, they say
« Reply #13 on: November 08, 2009, 03:49:04 PM »
Yes, it's a bit of a shame when you shell out for an add-on these days and its integration to the game is so utterly detrimental to the experience. Loading up Fallout 3 and being spammed with messages reminding me that I'd installed additional content and might want to go and visit it immediately kind of blew. It's rather akin to firing up PST and finding that Morte's opening line is "Hey, thanks for the $5. Here's the Modron cube."

Offline Kulyok

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Re: Dragon Age is out, they say
« Reply #14 on: November 09, 2009, 04:48:10 AM »
Oh yeah.

Practical incarnation: "So, what's about that Bronze Sphere?"
Nameless One: "Uh, they asked twenty bucks for it. I spent them on coke and burgers, instead. Ignorance is bliss, they say."

PS: Anyway! I've been searching for a full NPC list(still hoping for a male mage, but my hopes run low) - has anyone perhaps seen it?

Offline Lorph Halys

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Re: Dragon Age is out, they say
« Reply #15 on: November 09, 2009, 07:18:55 AM »
PS: Anyway! I've been searching for a full NPC list(still hoping for a male mage, but my hopes run low) - has anyone perhaps seen it?

No, there are no male mages. Honestly Kulyok. This is dark and gritty fantasy. That means that men are men with big swords and bigger muscles. Magic is for delicate ladyflowers only.

Seriously though. Every single male NPC is a warrior and every single female NPC is a non-warrior. I THOUGHT WE'D GROWN OUT OF THIS, BIOWARE.

The only exception is the elf, who's a rogue. But even then, he's a melee fighter and an assassin, as opposed to the female rogue, who is an archer and a bard.

Plus, he's an elf, and as we all know, elves don't really count as "male".

Offline Kulyok

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Re: Dragon Age is out, they say
« Reply #16 on: November 09, 2009, 07:34:44 AM »
Thank you! Gotta study this list...

Seriously though. Every single male NPC is a warrior and every single female NPC is a non-warrior. I THOUGHT WE'D GROWN OUT OF THIS, BIOWARE.

Kinda sorta thought so, too. :)

Plus, he's an elf, and as we all know, elves don't really count as "male".

From what I see, he goes for everything that moves is also a gay rogue elf, so, um. Er. Sigh.

I'm in grumpy mode for Dragon Age, I guess. :)

What I'm upset about is this "NPC approval" system. Yes, gifts are very nice. Yes, I felt happy about returning a very personal and important item to an NPC. And, yes, it's nice to see how an NPC feels "interested" or "friendly". But! There's one huge minus: you're starting to say what they want to hear. Whereas with Kelsey/Viconia I never had to worry: I knew one thing: "They're romanceable. Don't screw it up, and you'll be fine." Not "Gather eighty hearts for Alistair to give you a flower."

Offline GeN1e

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Re: Dragon Age is out, they say
« Reply #17 on: November 10, 2009, 12:38:54 AM »
There's one huge minus: you're starting to say what they want to hear.
Isn't it kinda similar to how things work IRL?
I'd then say the minus lies in other - there's only one way to play it. If you ask me, there should be much more places to alter the influence, so that we can keep the general route without having to remember to please NPCs. That would result in max possible inf far exceeding the value needed for successful romance ending or whatever. Extra values can be used for smaller bits. Am I the only one who thinks so?

"They're romanceable. Don't screw it up, and you'll be fine."
Nah, I disagree. Nothing's worse than saying ONE DAMN WRONG THING and screwing all previous 60 talks.
« Last Edit: November 10, 2009, 12:41:43 AM by GeN1e »

Offline Kulyok

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Re: Dragon Age is out, they say
« Reply #18 on: November 10, 2009, 02:02:24 AM »
I don't know: in real life, I'm kind of used to "say whatever I want and be understood" - after that, that's the point of love, right? To listen to each other and to understand each other. To comfort and to be comforted. To know that you can share your thougths and troubles and listen to your friend or lover in return. Not to lie.

Nah, I disagree. Nothing's worse than saying ONE DAMN WRONG THING and screwing all previous 60 talks.

Heheh. Right. But with Kelsey and Viconia, it's an obvious thing, at least. With Zevran, for example, I am totally at a loss as to what the right thing is.

It's "-8 hearts", then "-1 hearts", then "-3 hearts", and finally(no idea why) I get "+4 hearts" and immediately dump him for Alistair who's got 100 hearts anyway. Sigh! Such is life in Dragon Age, I guess. But it's not romance, is it? It's Monopoly.

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Re: Dragon Age is out, they say
« Reply #19 on: November 10, 2009, 07:16:16 AM »

I don't know about you, folks, but I'm taking a two-week vacation starting next week. If everything goes well, I am going to... surprise... wait for it... wait for it... play some Dragon Age!

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Re: Dragon Age is out, they say
« Reply #20 on: November 10, 2009, 10:01:49 AM »
I don't know: in real life, I'm kind of used to "say whatever I want and be understood" - after that, that's the point of love, right? To listen to each other and to understand each other. To comfort and to be comforted. To know that you can share your thougths and troubles and listen to your friend or lover in return. Not to lie.
If we're talking about 2-3 years of being familiar then sure. But 1-2 months? Which usually is exactly the timespan the campaign takes (and IRL as well, for me at least :)) And romances indeed hardly progress any farther than making love for the first time, after which a message pops up, stating proudly "The romance quest has been completed!"

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Re: Dragon Age is out, they say
« Reply #21 on: November 11, 2009, 03:50:20 PM »
I picked it up and am enjoying it quite a bit.  I was totally thinking that Alistair was Anomen with a personality transplant.  Ditto to Zevran and Haer'Dalis.  I don't know that my husband is enjoying it quite so much.  He's created and deleted about 8 characters in his quest to get to the optimum party composition.
Cailean - An archer NPC for the insatiably nosy!  Guaranteed more fun than shampooing cats!

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Re: Dragon Age is out, they say
« Reply #22 on: November 12, 2009, 12:40:03 AM »
It's why Diablo 2 was/is so popular, I guess: you're able to select the best character/items/party via constant managing and then... well... be proud of yourself? I mean, when I get a great belt or when Morrigan single-handedly slays a High Dragon I feel as proud as if I've done something really significant. And this sense of high self-esteem is rather warm and nice.

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Re: Dragon Age is out, they say
« Reply #23 on: November 12, 2009, 01:43:12 AM »
I realized something else about these premium modules for e-money. When you play, you unlock achievements. For sleeping with Zevran, for slaying a dragon, for being persuasive, for destroying a cult or siding with a cult, for completing all Blackstone quests and so on. Each achievement brings you game points - 10, 15 or 20. So, if you get, say, 650 points, you may download one of the premium modules for free.

(My friend says there are torrents for that, but you won't listen to him, surely).

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Re: Dragon Age is out, they say
« Reply #24 on: November 12, 2009, 02:31:28 AM »
Yeah, I'm counting on my completionist streak to gain me enough points to at least get Shale or the Warden's Keep (either... or...  not sure).  Because I'm a tightwad, and don't want to pay. :D

As for your friend...  No!  Why, I would never!!!!  *cough*
« Last Edit: November 12, 2009, 02:33:21 AM by Eleima »
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