Author Topic: Progress?  (Read 36893 times)

Offline ddv

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« on: May 28, 2009, 07:47:59 PM »
How's Zathali coming along? Any chance of some dialog samples / previews?  ;D

Offline Lorph Halys

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Re: Progress?
« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2009, 07:42:36 AM »
Progress thus far has been steady, but admittedly slow. I've been having quite a lot of that awful "real life" stuff to deal with recently; you know, building a career, making sure that my future doesn't involve rooting through other people's dustbins for half-eaten know, that sort of nonsense.

As it happens, however, today should prove a good day for me to just sit down and plough through as much of this as I can. If I'm going to show some dialogue samples then I'd prefer to do it in a separate sticky thread, so watch this space.

Offline Zukn

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Re: Progress?
« Reply #2 on: August 11, 2009, 02:34:03 PM »

Offline Lorph Halys

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Re: Progress?
« Reply #3 on: August 11, 2009, 04:10:23 PM »
Alright, alright. I'm used to working in silence, in the darkness, alone and unloved, but I suppose it's expected of me to drop in and let people know about what's going on every so often.

So, progress report.

Right now, Zathali's in a state where I wouldn't be particularly unhappy to release him. NPC-NPC banters and interjections are finished; at this point I'll only be adding more if they come to me. It's all in the game and working without any (apparent) bugs, so he's about on the level of a basic BioWare NPC now, albeit with an unfinished sidequest.

What I'm really focusing on now is the relationship and the dialogue between him and the player character. Right now, it's there, but it's kind of bare-bones, so I'll be spending some time on fleshing that out. As soon as that's done, all I'll really have left to do is tackle his quest(s), not that this is a minor task; I suspect this is where I'll encounter the most difficulty, actually. If I encounter any major hitches, I'll let you know.

Right now, the only thing that's giving me trouble is the voicing. Given that I'm doing it myself, it's hard to tell if I don't just sound completely ridiculous. I'm probably going to pack up some of the soundbites I have thus far and submit them for the perusal of the modding public. If people at least think they're passable, I'll leave them in. Otherwise I might have to go headhunting.

That's all for now. Happy gaming.

Offline Kulyok

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Re: Progress?
« Reply #4 on: August 12, 2009, 12:07:17 AM »
Sounds good! Best of luck in fleshing the relationship out.


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Re: Progress?
« Reply #5 on: October 12, 2009, 03:04:19 PM »
Well, anything happening?

Offline Lorph Halys

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Re: Progress?
« Reply #6 on: October 19, 2009, 08:56:16 AM »
Those of you looking forward to Zathali will be pleased to know that we have progressed to the stage where we can start progressing again.

Getting a new computer is a funny thing, you see. The downside, apart from the expense, is the worry. The worry that something will go horribly wrong when you're making the switch from old PC new PC and you'll end up with no computer at all, or all your data will get lost somehow, or your old but beloved programs won't work anymore, or a swarm of imps will descend upon you to devour your flesh, or some other catastrophe.

Maybe I'm the only one who gets this, and maybe I'm just being paranoid, but in this case, it was entirely justified.

First I had to jump through hoops to transfer the old hard drive, or the contents thereof. I don't know why, but the new computer outright refused to acknowledge the drive's existence when I hooked it up, and I couldn't move it back and burn everything to DVDs or whatever because the old computer apparently committed hara-kiri the moment it realised it was being replaced. I eventually managed to sort that one out with some perseverance, missed meals and a lot of cursing...only to discover shortly afterwards that the new computer had decided to shut off my Internet connection for having the sheer audacity to try and install a new OS on it.

Also, while I was trying to fix that, I gave the old computer to a friend who needed one of his own; apparently he'd decided it'd be cheaper to have that mine fixed up rather than buying one himself. I wasn't going to use it anymore and it was too old to be worth the trouble of selling, so I was OK with that.

Guess which game disk I discovered I'd left inside it after he carted it off.

I've got it back now, though, and thankfully the fact that I am now running Vista doesn't seem to be causing any problems on the BGII front. Therefore, I will be able to get back on Zathali very soon.

Touch wood.


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Re: Progress?
« Reply #7 on: October 27, 2009, 03:42:24 PM »
Sounds great, at least the last part of your post.  ;D

Offline Neoptolemus

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Re: Progress?
« Reply #8 on: June 02, 2010, 11:58:43 PM »
Getting more evil npcs is always good, BGII is far too light on the ground. Has this one died, or is work still progressing?

Offline Froberg

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Re: Progress?
« Reply #9 on: July 14, 2010, 04:21:20 PM »
I approve of more evil NPC's.


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Re: Progress?
« Reply #10 on: November 17, 2010, 07:16:16 PM »
Is this mod still active? Based on the biography, I'm really interested in playing with Zathali!

Offline Neurocyte

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Re: Progress?
« Reply #11 on: February 24, 2013, 09:19:35 AM »
Hey, is there any progress on this mod? Idea is great, and Zathali has truly promising personality. Hope once we'll see him fleshed out!


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