Does this have any compatibility issues? In particular with BG1NPC i think, is where the issue arises.
I know not to install the following along with BG1NPC:
-Angelo Notices Shar-Teel
-Finishable Kagain Caravan Quest
-Coran and the Wyverns
-Kivan and Tazok
-Branwen and Tranzig
But i also ran across the installation order list over on the g3 forums, and they say not to install the following either:
Corrected Minor Dialogues/Minor Dialogue Restorations (version dependent title)
Although it does say it should be ok if UB is installed before BG1NPC...just would like some clarification please.
Also, those 5 that i that because the same components are actually im BG1NPC? or do i "miss out" on these...which is no big deal i think, they seem small asides.