Author Topic: Erroneous Virtue Penalties  (Read 9469 times)


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Erroneous Virtue Penalties
« on: February 29, 2008, 04:41:47 PM »
I'm not hopeful that anyone will see this, given the level of activity here, but I don't know of any other place that is likely to have the answer to my problem.

Basically, the Virtue mod has started penalizing my Virtue every time I kill a non-evil creature, even if that creature is not an Innocent.  I first noticed this when I was exploring the sewers and killed a Carrion Crawler, which dropped my Virtue by 2.  Then it happened again with a trio of Huge Spiders, and again with some Mutated Gibberlings, and again with Theshal (the zombie "mayor" that you encounter in the Unseeing Eye quest) and his followers.  In each case, the problematic creatures seem to have been of neutral or good alignments (none of them were Innocents).  Before long my alignment had changed from Chaotic Good to Chaotic Neutral, and good-aligned party members were either leaving or mad at me.  This is especially annoying because I'm certain that there are quite a few more non-evil creatures that I will be required to fight in the course of the game.

I've used Near Infinity to change the alignments of some creatures to evil, which seems to solve the problem, and after some experimenting I found that I can alter the Global "D0Change" via the console to offset the penalties to Virtue and party-member-happiness, but obviously this is a less-than-ideal solution.  If anyone has any idea as to what might be at the root of this problem, please let me know.  I really like the idea behind this mod, but these persistent bugs are irritating.

Offline Rodman49

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Re: Erroneous Virtue Penalties
« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2008, 07:52:38 PM »
I'm not hopeful that anyone will see this, given the level of activity here, but I don't know of any other place that is likely to have the answer to my problem.

Basically, the Virtue mod has started penalizing my Virtue every time I kill a non-evil creature, even if that creature is not an Innocent.  I first noticed this when I was exploring the sewers and killed a Carrion Crawler, which dropped my Virtue by 2.  Then it happened again with a trio of Huge Spiders, and again with some Mutated Gibberlings, and again with Theshal (the zombie "mayor" that you encounter in the Unseeing Eye quest) and his followers.  In each case, the problematic creatures seem to have been of neutral or good alignments (none of them were Innocents).  Before long my alignment had changed from Chaotic Good to Chaotic Neutral, and good-aligned party members were either leaving or mad at me.  This is especially annoying because I'm certain that there are quite a few more non-evil creatures that I will be required to fight in the course of the game.

I've used Near Infinity to change the alignments of some creatures to evil, which seems to solve the problem, and after some experimenting I found that I can alter the Global "D0Change" via the console to offset the penalties to Virtue and party-member-happiness, but obviously this is a less-than-ideal solution.  If anyone has any idea as to what might be at the root of this problem, please let me know.  I really like the idea behind this mod, but these persistent bugs are irritating.

Don't you need the oversight mod to correct alignments?


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Re: Erroneous Virtue Penalties
« Reply #2 on: March 17, 2008, 07:40:48 PM »
Don't you need the oversight mod to correct alignments?

I'm... not sure I understand what you mean.  The creatures' alignments are not themselves incorrect - my problem is that Virtue is penalizing me when it shouldn't.

Offline gertjanvh

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Re: Erroneous Virtue Penalties
« Reply #3 on: March 18, 2008, 05:17:54 AM »
True but many of the alignments of creatures you encounter were miscoded by bioware, which explains the virtue drop when you decide to end there earthly existence. The alignment miscodings are restored in the oversight mod.

You can find Oversight here
« Last Edit: March 18, 2008, 05:20:46 AM by gertjanvh »


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Re: Erroneous Virtue Penalties
« Reply #4 on: March 22, 2008, 02:26:33 AM »
I know what Oversight is and where to get it, but I must reiterate: I don't think incorrect alignments are the problem.  Huge Spiders (to give just one example) are supposed to be Neutral, and they are.  That does not mean I should receive Virtue penalties for killing one.

Offline Rodman49

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Re: Erroneous Virtue Penalties
« Reply #5 on: March 22, 2008, 03:08:45 PM »
I know what Oversight is and where to get it, but I must reiterate: I don't think incorrect alignments are the problem.  Huge Spiders (to give just one example) are supposed to be Neutral, and they are.  That does not mean I should receive Virtue penalties for killing one.

Hmm, post your Weidu log maybe, maybe you've got another mod causing problems in combo with Virtue?


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