Okay, let's stop and take a deep breath.
Good advice, good idea. I have stopped having a panic attack.
Mods have dialogues, dialogues have states. States are fixed. If a modder, say, deletes an existing state, he needs (and usually receiveth) a good talking-to. (BG2 platform or Tutu platform or BGT platform - no matter what the platform is, what I've written above is true).
I have misunderstood this point from the beginning. In Tutu (NOT EasyTutu) both sttref and state can be "fluid" to a point, because Tutu is a mod.
If somebody uses a non-Weidu mod like The Vault, they can (and many do) change the fundamental files. The fix for this is to detect them and account for those changes, as Ascension64 does for BGT when someone uses one of the "pre bgt" mods. On the Tutu side, EasyTutu fixes this by simply not allowing pre-Tutuification mods access. The intact override drop prevents mods that overwrite the original.dlg with a new set of custom state numbers from ever being referenced. It literally shotguns them out of existence.
On the strref side, the Tutu strrefs will be different on a Tutu conversion based on a SoA install than one based on a ToB install, because the BG content strrefs "float" on top of the BG2 sttrefs - and ToB has many more sttrefs than SoA. EasyTutu does not combat this; Macready bypasses this by creating two separate installers.
In addition, as you point out below quoted from above, Kulyok, sttref *numbers* might be static by platform, but their *contents* are not. Using STATE_WHICH_SAYS is subject to everyone's whim, and either heavy coding stuff from the bigg or a list of all normally expected sttref contents for a particular state you want to find placed in .tra for reference, so that ~I am a strref~ vs ~[MYMOD] I am a stref~ vs ~ I am a strref~ vs ~ I am a string reference~ all are accounted for.
However, dialog.tlk is a very flexible thing. From BGT to GTU to Valygar Romance to SCSII to Aerie.ru to Clan Dlan, "only the lazy", as we say in Russia, hasn't bothered to update it. As such, dialog.tlk strings are NOT fixed, and never will be.
Given that, why would you want to go from fixed state numbers to ever-changing dialogue strings? That's running BG1 NPC straight to an early grave.
Apparently, I don't want to do that for the vast majority of cases on both Tutu and BGT. Ardrouine, for example, has only BG content. If you folks are telling me that state numbers remain static for both BG and BG2, then we are all good - all of our materials will drop into place for almost all conditions.
To be clear, if I make a "Sexy Ardrounine Romance Mod" and install it on Tutu, then put it before BG1 NPC, the state numbers in _ARDROU.DLG should not change, just get added on to. If I make an "Add Town Crier Dialogue About Wandering Maids Mod" for BG2 and install it before my newly minted "Chanelle The Wandering Maid Romance", the original materials will still be intact and available to me (let's ignore what other folks can do with falsing out, etc. - the state numbers themselves are still static).
BUT - if I am attempting to interject into someone else's mod (rarely done except crossmod, and not recommended in any case for both politeness and functional reasons), THEIR state numbers are FLUID. They may be 501-599, or if placed later in the install, 601-699. This makes MY mod's state numbers fluid, too, based on install order, so if I for some stupid reason decide to I_C_T into my own added dialogue (pretend I couldn't grok CHAIN), I would need to use STATE_WHICH_SAYS.
OR - if I am modding for BGT/BGT compatibility, and something is added BEFORE the BGT conversion, then any >>PDIALOG.2da participants<< (party-joinable NPCs) who share dialogue J and B files (possibly P as well) between BG and BG2 need to have any manipulation of state transitions, triggers, I_C_Ts, etc. use STATE_WHICH_SAYS. This is because the BG states "float" on top of any additions to those files. Other mods may be added before BG1 NPC, but they won't matter; the problem is the addition to BG2 states BEFORE BGT gets them. Once BGT has installed, the states are static from that point on.
(Please remember that though I talk a good game and synthesize alot of information from a large number of sources, at heart I am the equivalent of a self-trained tech support person. I may indeed lack basic understandings - for instance, I_C_T4 still truly eludes me even though the bigg has personally lead me through it by the nose. And I am very happy when my flailing results in something that allows others to learn from my misery, even when it is self-induced).
Is this accurate? Is there something that I am not understanding?
Are there any conditions under which an original distribution >> state number << in BG2 will change?