I downloaded Zyraen's Sylmar Battlefield mod from Spellhold Studios, and it extracted just fine. Launched Install-mod.sh from the Terminal, as usual, to install the mod, and dropped the folder onto the Terminal window when prompted. When asked if I wanted weidu to install the mod, I answered 'y' for yes, as usual. Then, instead of installing, I got the prompt again that told me to drop a folder onto the window. This has me wondering if something is missing somewhere inside the mod folder, or else if something needs to be changed in the .tp2 file (or another file). The folder contains a .exe file, which Macs can't execute directly, so I also tried this by copying weidu-mac to the folder, renaming it "1Sylm-setup.command" as I sometimes need to do to install mods, and ran Install-mod.sh again, with the same results.
Zyraen is at a loss as to why this happens, so I appeal to the wisdom of this community for assistance. I can post or e-mail the .DEBUG file if that would help. Any assistance will be most welcome and appreciated!