Hit yet another road block
The code is in DPlayers3.BCS, i can tell it works it does ApplySpell(Myself,LEARN_SONGA) I have it set to 0 higher up in the code so that this spell is learned at the very beginning. I test it in game and it gives me the spell.. my Special Abilities button becomes click-able. but there is no spell there.. there's nothing there.
I've checked the dummy spell, the actual spell both and I can't see a single thing wrong with either of them. Unless it's one of the "Unknowns" that is messing me up :s
here is what my Dummy spell and Actual spells look like in NI.
Dummy Spell:
Signature SPL
Version V1
Spell name LearnSpellA
Identified name No such index
Casting sound None
Flags ( No flag set )
Spell type Innate (4)
Wizard school Schoolless - 0
Priest type All priests - 0
Spell school Schoolless (0)
Unknown 00 00 h
Spell school (selection) Unknown (0)
Spell category None (0)
Unknown 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 h
Spell level 1
Unknown 01 00 h
Spell icon SPPR309B.BAM
Unknown 00 00 h
Unknown 00 00 80 1e 2c 00 04 00 h
Unknown 00 00 00 00 h
Unknown 7f 96 98 00 h
Unknown 00 00 80 1e 2c 00 04 00 h
Unknown 00 00 00 00 h
Ability offset 72 h
# abilities 1
Effects offset 9a h
Unknown 00 00 h
# global effects 0
Type Melee (1)
Unknown 00 h
Ability icon location Innate slots (4)
Target type Caster (5)
Range 0
Minimum level 1
Casting speed 2
To hit 0
Dicesize 6
# dice 0
Enchanted 0
Damage type Piercing (1)
# effects 1
Effect index 0
# charges 1
Unknown 01 00 h
Projectile type 180
Type Learn spell (147)
Targettype TargetSelf (1)
Power 0
Unknown 00 00 00 00 h
Spell type Innate (2)
Duration Instant/Limited (0)
Dispel/Resistance No dispel/Bypass resistance (0)
Time 0
Probability 1 100
Probability 2 0
Resource SPIN125.SPL (Flying Peeble)
# dice / Max level 0
Dice size / Min level 0
Savetype ( No save )
Save bonus 0
Unknown 00 00 00 00 h
and my actual spell:
Signature SPL
Version V1
Spell name Flying Peeble
Identified name Flying Peeble
Casting sound CAS_P05.WAV
Flags ( No flag set )
Spell type Innate (4)
Wizard school Schoolless - 0
Priest type Cleric/Paladin - 32768
Spell school Enchantment (11)
Unknown 00 00 h
Spell school (selection) Unknown (0)
Spell category MagicAttack (4)
Unknown 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 h
Spell level 1
Unknown 01 00 h
Spell icon SPPR106C.BAM
Unknown 00 00 h
Unknown 00 00 80 1e 46 00 04 00 h
Unknown 00 00 00 00 h
Unknown 7f 96 98 00 h
Unknown 00 00 80 1e 46 00 04 00 h
Unknown 00 00 00 00 h
Ability offset 72 h
# abilities 1
Effects offset 9a h
Unknown 00 00 h
# global effects 0
Type Melee (1)
Unknown 00 h
Ability icon location Innate slots (4)
Target type Living actor (1)
Range 50
Minimum level 1
Casting speed 4
To hit 0
Dicesize 6
# dice 0
Enchanted 0
Damage type Piercing (1)
# effects 2
Effect index 0
# charges 1
Unknown 01 00 h
Projectile type 17
sorry if that was too much useless spam :s just cannot figure out why the game recognizes as the Bard is learning an innate spell but not giving the innate spell.
I've tried resting several times to see if that could be it, but nothing :s