This quest was never detailed by David Gaider--only it's sheer existence was hinted at in his posts. Luckily, however, Bioware neglected to cut the dialog entries from the dialog.tlk file that concern the quest. Here is what we know:
@10935 = ~Vakola attempts to take revenge on Keldorn.
We met up with an old acquaintance of Keldorn's... a man by the name of Vakola, who holds Keldorn responsible for some manner of 'betrayal' which Keldorn denies.~
@15122 = ~Vakola~
@15123 = ~Vakola~
@16533 = ~Vakola attempts to take revenge on Keldorn.
We encountered Keldorn's old 'friend', Vakola, again in the Sea's Bounty. This time, it became apparent that Keldorn and Vakola were once team-members in the Order, and that Keldorn turned him in for accepting bribes. The man's bitterness brought him and his friends to attack Keldorn and I... and now he is dead.~ "
There is a lot that can be done with this quest. The only thing we've come up with so far as a possibility is that Vakola, the ex-Order Knight, somehow got involved with either the slave or black lotus trade. The black lotus trade would be a bit more plausible, and wouldn't involve any major conspiracy theory involvement.
Questions? Comments? Ideas?
(The original thread can be obtained in .mht format