Author Topic: BUG report- IWD2-EoU-Improved Moonblades component  (Read 3692 times)


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BUG report- IWD2-EoU-Improved Moonblades component
« on: November 29, 2006, 11:02:43 PM »
 Emma's MoonBalade damage gets upgrated as well as per mod description however the weapon description describes the blade as a mere 1d8+2 damage  instead of the real 1d12+4 displayed on the characted sheet.

Side note: The Damage reduce armour component coupled with Improved MoonBlades turns Emma's MoonBlade into an even more powerfull item because its magic damage gets right trough . I went on and uninstalled Damage reduce armour. Having 9 slashing/piercing/bludgeoning damage reduce on my lvl 3 druid(chain armour + shield(4) ) seemed exagerated.


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Re: BUG report- IWD2-EoU-Improved Moonblades component
« Reply #1 on: November 29, 2006, 11:09:35 PM »
and the description list the weapon to be a Large weapon - when the mod actualy turns it into a small finessable weapon


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