I always disliked the weapons specialization rules in ADD2. Thus I think about some changes to implement in BG2 (and/or Tutu).
- Allow specialization in any weapons regarless the class of the character : replace all the 0 by 1 in clasweap.2da and weapprof.2da, all the other numbers are unchanged.
- Allow any classes to use any weapons : clear the bytes 'unusable by' in all the .itm files that are weapons (check the category to know). Don't touch the alignement prerequisites (6 first bits).
- Force a big malus if using a no proficient weapon: change the first line of wspecial.2da with something like 0 -10 -4 0 : if no-proficient -10 to hit, -4 to damage.
Maybe allow more specialization point for fighter/paladin/... to rebalance but keep the 2 stars max at the 1st level. Somewhere in a 2da file but I don't remerber its name.
The third point is not working. Wathever I put in the no-proficent line in wspecial.2da, nothing change in the game when I equip a character with a no-proficient weapon. I am using ToB with patch 26498.
Any idea (or if someone did the job already...) ?