Hey there - a check before I kep manually building a huge list of areas to assign script references to -
I have a player with an error where original Tutu does not assign an area script reference, so that while we create the area script via EXTEND_BOTTOM, the area doesn't know it exists...
So, I thought i would fix the problem for once and for all for Tutu modding by adding the followig code in a library:
/* Ensuring all area scripts are assigned */
~FW0002.are~ ~override~
~FW0004.are~ ~override~
//EDITED OUT > SEE Gibberlings3 common code page for update and code support for Tutu v4 with/without TOTSC
While this would definitely make sure every area knew it has a possible script, I am part way through the list and have suddenly thought of a few questions:
1. Will adding these references have any conceivable way of disrupting the game?
2. Will a list of a huge number of area references like this work in this fashion, or do I need to break them up (other than creating a separate LIB for the TOTSC side)?
3. How can i tell if some of these actually have scripts that are "dummy" or non-functioning ones?