I'll just post an observation for now, will add screenshots later (if I am able to post such things).
I was editing the _LIIA.DLG file (EasyTutu) last night, when I ran into a strange problem...
What I wanted was to AddexperienceParty(value) IF this was the first time she divined Sarevok's whereabouts/divined Sarevok's whereabouts and teleported the party to the Thief Guild.
Now, in order to do this I had to add a response, and put in a check for a variable I created.
All went well, I had no problem of actually doing it.
But when I checked the file after saving it (fortunately I had made a backup of the .dlg file), I found that triggers and actions where "corrupted" somehow...
Where before it had been e.g.
<trigger 13> Global("X#DynaLiia",GLOBAL",1)
<trigger 14> Global("FK#LiiaDivined","GLOBAL",0)
<action 11> SetGlobal("X#DynaLiia","GLOBAL",1)
<action 12> AddexperienceParty(12000)
now read
<trigger 13> GLOBAL("X#DynaLiia,"GLOBAL",
<trigger 14> 1)
<trigger 15> Global("FK#LiiaDivined","GLOBAL",0
<trigger 16> )
<action 11> SetGlobal("X#DynaLiia","GLOBAL"
<action 12> ,1)
<action 13> AddexperienceParty(
<action 14> 12000)
Needless to say, such a file refused to compile.
I switched to using DLTCEP, and had no problem of the same kind whatsoever.
I am going away for a few days (I have to attend a funeral), but will try to post "evidence" (if I am able) when I get back.