Unfortunately, both Fixpack and UB working on Nilthiri cause her to be unkillable. That aside, UB does have some slight bugs in its implementation here: Nilthiri is assigned scripts to force her to fall down and be killed by fire/acid, like other trolls. However, she isn't assigned an item to prevent her from dying, so it's improbable that she'll fall down and play dead. If it does happen and the party doesn't finish her off, she'll pop back up blue-circled and may try to re-initiate dialogue.
edit: I stand corrected. UB adds scripting to make her hostile and skip trying to initiate dialogue, but there's still a brief hesitation when she's blue-circled. I'd suggest replacing the existing code:
COPY_EXISTING ~DRSHNL01.CRE~ ~override/DRSHNL01.CRE~ /* Nilthiri */
WRITE_ASCII ~0x248~ ~DRSHNL01~ /* Assigns the appropriate script */
WRITE_LONG ~0x250~ 0x00000000
EXTEND_TOP ~DRSHNL01.bcs~ ~ub/misc/u!nilthi.baf~ /* Fixes Nilthiri's script */
COMPILE ~ub/misc/DRSHNL02.baf~
with this, lifted and modified from Fixpack:
ACTION_IF NOT FILE_EXISTS_IN_GAME THEN BEGIN // if Fixpack isn't installed
// restore Nith's attack script, pt 1: false() out stuff that'll break
COPY_EXISTING ~drshnl01.bcs~ ~override~
REPLACE_TEXTUALLY ~HPLT(Myself,10)~ ~False()~
// new troll scripts to transform to dead versions at low HP
COPY_EXISTING ~troll01.bcs~ ~override/drshnl02.bcs~
REPLACE_TEXTUALLY ~ChangeAnimationNoEffect("TROLL02")~ ~ChangeAnimationNoEffect("%DEST_RES%")~
// new troll scripts to transform from dead to alive after time expires
COPY_EXISTING ~troll02.bcs~ ~override/drshnl03.bcs~
REPLACE_TEXTUALLY ~ReallyForceSpell(Myself,TROLL_CHANGE)~ ~ReallyForceSpellRES("%DEST_RES%",Myself)~
// create 'dead' or 'knocked down' versions of 'special' trolls
COPY_EXISTING ~drshnl01.cre~ ~override/drshnl02.cre~
WRITE_SHORT 0x24 1 // current HP
WRITE_SHORT 0x46 10 // natural AC
WRITE_SHORT 0x48 10 // effective AC
WRITE_BYTE 0x5a 100 // resist cold
WRITE_BYTE 0x5b 100 // resist electricity
WRITE_BYTE 0x5f 100 // resist magic cold
WRITE_BYTE 0x60 100 // resist slashing
WRITE_BYTE 0x61 100 // resist crushing
WRITE_BYTE 0x62 100 // resist piercing
WRITE_BYTE 0x63 100 // resist missile
WRITE_BYTE 0x23c 9 // dexterity
WRITE_BYTE 0x270 255 // enemy
WRITE_ASCII 0x248 ~drshnl03~
WRITE_ASCII 0x250 ~~ #32 // blanks all other script references
// item changes
READ_LONG 0x2bc "itm_off"
READ_LONG 0x2c0 "itm_num"
FOR (index = 0 ; index < itm_num ; index = index + 1) BEGIN
READ_ASCII ("%itm_off%" + (0x14 * "%index%")) "item"
("%item%" STRING_COMPARE_CASE "monhp1" = 0) OR // so they can die
("%item%" STRING_COMPARE_CASE "trollreg" = 0) OR // can't regenerate
("%item%" STRING_COMPARE_CASE "trollspi" = 0) // makes dead spirit troll invisible
WRITE_ASCII ("%itm_off%" + (0x14 * "%index%")) ~trolldie~
// add monhp1 item to trolls to prevent death; assign script to force transformation to dead form at low HP
COPY_EXISTING ~drshnl01.cre~ ~override~
ADD_CRE_ITEM ~monhp1~ #0 #0 #0 ~NONE~ ~AMULET~
WRITE_ASCII 0x248 ~drshnl02~
WRITE_ASCII 0x258 ~drshnl01~ // restore Nith's attack script, pt 2: assign script
// one-off change for Nilthiri to prevent repeating dialogue after regenerating
COPY_EXISTING ~drshnl01.cre~ ~override/drshnl03.cre~
WRITE_ASCII 0x250 ~~ #8 // no approach and speak script
WRITE_BYTE 0x270 255 // enemy
WRITE_ASCII 0x2cc ~~ #8 // no dialogue file
// spells to transform trolls back from dead to alive
COPY_EXISTING ~spin955.spl~ ~override/drshnl03.spl~
READ_LONG 0x64 "abil_off"
READ_SHORT 0x68 "abil_num"
READ_LONG 0x6a "fx_off"
FOR (index = 0 ; index < abil_num ; index = index + 1) BEGIN
READ_SHORT ("%abil_off%" + 0x1e + (0x28 * "%index%")) "abil_fx_num"
READ_SHORT ("%abil_off%" + 0x20 + (0x28 * "%index%")) "abil_fx_idx"
FOR (index2 = 0 ; index2 < abil_fx_num ; index2 = index2 + 1) BEGIN
READ_SHORT ("%fx_off%" + (("%abil_fx_idx%" + "%index2%") * 0x30)) "opcode"
READ_ASCII ("%fx_off%" + 0x14 + (("%abil_fx_idx%" + "%index2%") * 0x30)) "eff_file"
PATCH_IF (("%opcode%" = 151) AND ("%eff_file%" STRING_COMPARE_CASE "troll01" = 0)) BEGIN
WRITE_EVALUATED_ASCII ("%fx_off%" + 0x14 + (("%abil_fx_idx%" + "%index2%") * 0x30)) "%DEST_RES%" #8
It's definitely longer as it was written for multiple trolls, but it'll work just dandy. If Fixpack is detected it won't change anything.