Author Topic: Translations  (Read 90729 times)

Offline Isaya

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Re: Translations
« Reply #50 on: October 13, 2010, 03:19:07 PM »
Let me know if you edit the above post.
After checking the dialog, I have no change to submit, although I didn't guess so well who was involved in the talk when I translated...

Offline jastey

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Re: Translations
« Reply #51 on: October 14, 2010, 01:07:42 AM »
All right! Thank you again!

Offline Ancalagon el Negro

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Re: Translations
« Reply #52 on: October 14, 2010, 08:23:34 AM »
Spanish translation:

@17   = ~Vos... Creo que he oido sobre vos. Podéis ser de provecho para mí y para esta ciudad. ¿Me escucharéis?~
@18   = ~Lo siento, pero estoy con unas investigaciones para vuestro segundo al mando y me gustaría terminarlas primero.~
@19   = ~Sí, decidme lo que queréis. Estoy seguro que Scar puede bregar con sus problemas él solo.~
@20   = ~Sólo un momento... Tengo que terminar algunas cosas antes.~
@21   = ~Sí, hablad por favor.~
@22   = ~No tan rápido. Dejadme deciros primero que soy quien ha participado en la limpieza de las minas de Nashkel.~
@23   = ~Un minuto. Dijisteis algo sobre que necesitáis ayuda. Estoy interesado en trabajar para vos ahora.~
~Un minuto. Dijisteis algo sobre que necesitáis ayuda. Estoy interesada en trabajar para vos ahora.~
@24   = ~Aún no terminé.~
@25   = ~Por favor, regresad y acabad con esas criaturas. No estaré aliviado hasta saber que la sede de los Siete Soles está limpio y que no hay más gente en peligro.~
@26   = ~Me doy por vencido con este asunto.~
~Me doy por vencida con este asunto.~
@27   = ~Aún estamos en ello.~
@28   = ~¡Por supuesto que regresaré y lucharé contra esos monstruos!~
@29   = ~Sí, lo hicimos. Con sumo gusto lo regresaremos.~
@30   = ~Iré de nuevo y miraré más de cerca.~
@31   = ~Creo que también encontré su cuerpo.~
@32   = ~No encontré ningún anillo pero si que encontré lo que parecía ser su cuerpo.~
@33   = ~¡Lo habéis hecho bien! Esto ayudará a los Mantodestrella a encontrar algo de paz. Aún así, estoy seguro que les ayudará el tener el anillo para recordar a su ser querido.~
@34   = ~La verdad es que ahora no tengo tiempo para esto.~
@35   = ~Si tuvierais tiempo, estoy seguro que la familia Mantodestrella os estará más que agradecida.~
@36   = ~Es agradable veros de nuevo. ¿Cómo han ido las cosas?~
@37   = ~Aún estoy buscando las posesiones de las víctimas.~
@38   = ~Encontramos un anillo que parece especial.~

@113   = ~Anillo sello~
@114   = ~Este es un anillo sello con un rubí incrustado.~


Offline jastey

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Re: Translations
« Reply #53 on: October 14, 2010, 01:21:31 PM »
Thank you very much indeed!

Ancalagon, I only noticed now that in the Spanish version one line is missing! Would you be so kind and translate this, as well?

@16   = ~That's the body of some blasted noble!  That one'll give me nothing but problems.  Surely you can find the body of some peasant?~
EDIT: Arkion, the man from BG who wants a corpse from the sewers is saying this.
« Last Edit: October 14, 2010, 01:34:38 PM by jastey »

Offline Ancalagon el Negro

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Re: Translations
« Reply #54 on: October 14, 2010, 02:00:31 PM »
Thank you very much indeed!

Ancalagon, I only noticed now that in the Spanish version one line is missing! Would you be so kind and translate this, as well?

@16   = ~That's the body of some blasted noble!  That one'll give me nothing but problems.  Surely you can find the body of some peasant?~
EDIT: Arkion, the man from BG who wants a corpse from the sewers is saying this.

I saw it and I've reviewed all the files, I'll send you it now.


Offline jastey

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Re: Translations
« Reply #55 on: October 15, 2010, 12:48:51 AM »
Thank you very much, I received the files. Thank you for proofreading and catching the missing lines in the other file!

Offline Bartek

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Re: Translations
« Reply #56 on: October 15, 2010, 05:28:14 PM »
Polish translation:

(into ubscar.tra)
@17  = ~Ty... Chyba słyszałem o tobie. Mógłbyś przysłużyć się zarówno mi jak i temu miastu. Czy zechcesz mnie wysłuchać?~
@18  = ~Przykro mi, ale prowadzę śledztwo dla twojego zastępcy i chciałbym je najpierw dokończyć.  ~
@19  = ~Tak, powiedz mi czego chcesz. Jestem przekonany, że Scar sam upora się ze swoimi sprawami.~
@20  = ~Chwila... Najpierw muszę coś dokończyć.~
@21  = ~Tak, mów proszę.~
@22  = ~Nie tak prędko. Powiem bez ogódek, że tak naprawę to ja jestem odpowiedzialny za oczyszczenie kopalni Nashkel.~
@23  = ~Chwileczkę. Mówiłeś coś, że przydałaby ci się pomoc. Interesuje mnie współpraca z tobą.~
@24  = ~Jeszcze nie dokończyłem śledztwa.~
@25  = ~Wróć proszę i zniszcz te potwory. Nie usnę, póki nie dowiem się, że oczyściłeś z nich budynek Siedem Słońc i żadnemu z mieszkańców nie grozi niebezpieczeństwo.~
@26  = ~Rezygnuję.~
@27  = ~Cały czas pracujemy nad śledztwem.~
@28  = ~Na pewno wrócimy i rozprawimy się z tymi potworami!~
@29  = ~Tak, udało nam się. Z radością zwrócimy ci go.~
@30  = ~Pójdę jeszcze raz i przyglądnę się temu bliżej.~
@31  = ~Sądzę, że odnalazłem też jej ciało.~
@32  = ~Nie znalazłem pierścienia, tylko jej ciało.~
@33  = ~Dobrze się spisałeś! Sashenstarowie zaznają odrobinę spokoju. Pewien jestem też, że ten pierścień będzie im przypominał o ich ukochanej córce.~
@34  = ~Nie mam teraz na to czasu.~
@35  = ~Jeśli poświęciłbyś temu trochę czasu, to jestem pewien, że rodzina Sashenstarów będzie ci dozgonnie wdzięczna.~
@36  = ~Dobrze, że cię widzę. Jak się mają sprawy?~
@37  = ~Nadal przeszukuję ciała. ~
@38  = ~Odnaleźliśmy ten oto wyjątkowy pierścień.~

(into stup.tra)
@113 = ~Sygnet~
@114 = ~To jest sygnet z rubinem.~

Offline prowler

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Re: Translations
« Reply #57 on: October 17, 2010, 11:48:29 AM »
Russian is ready! Thanks to Aldark from translation team.

(into ubscar.tra)
@17   = ~Вы... Я думаю, я ранее слышал о вас. Вы можете сослужить хорошую службу мне и этому городу. Вы меня выслушаете?~
@18   = ~Мне жаль, но я уже веду расследование для вашего заместителя в данный момент.~
@19   = ~Да, расскажите мне, что вы хотите. Я уверен, Скар разберется со своими проблемами сам.~
@20   = ~Минутку... Мне нужно сначала завершить кое-что другое.~
@21   = ~Да, говорите, пожалуйста.~
@22   = ~Не так быстро. Дайте мне сначала рассказать вам, что я и в самом деле участвовал в зачистке рудников Нашкеля.~
@23   = ~Минутку. Вы говорили что-то о том, что вам нужна помощь. Я теперь заинтересован в работе на вас.~
@24   = ~Я все еще не окончил свои дела.~
@25   = ~Пожалуйста, вернитесь и сразитесь с теми созданиями. Я не успокоюсь, пока не узнаю, что здание Семи Солнц зачищено и жизням людей, находящимся там, больше не угрожает опасность.~
@26   = ~Я умываю руки - мне это не нужно.~
@27   = ~Мы все еще в деле.~
@28   = ~Конечно-же, мы вернемся и сразимся с теми чудовищами!~
@29   = ~Мы уже сделали это. Мы с радостью вернем его.~
@30   = ~Я схожу туда вновь и постараюсь осмотреть все получше.~
@31   = ~Я думаю, я обнаружил ее тело.~
@32   = ~Я не нашел кольцо, но по идее оно должно было быть на ее теле.~
@33   = ~Вы отлично справились! Это немного успокоет Сашенстаров. Все-же, я уверен, что вы поможете им разыскать кольцо, чтобы оно напоминало им об одном из их близких.~
@34   = ~У меня в самом деле нет на это времени.~
@35   = ~Если вы потратите на это время, Сашенстары наверняка будут более чем благодарны.~
@36   = ~Приятно вновь видеть вас. Как делишки?~
@37   = ~Мы все еще ищем имущество жертв.~
@38   = ~Мы нашли весьма необычное кольцо.~

(into stup.tra)
@113   = ~Кольцо с печаткой~
@114   = ~В это кольцо с печаткой вкреплен рубин.~

I'm not sure about correct displayig russian letters on forum, so use please link below:
I can't attach file here.

Please, can you make that when russian gamers install mod - russian language use english ogg files?
« Last Edit: October 17, 2010, 11:51:51 AM by prowler »
Coordinator of the Russian BWP Translation Team
Work with SHS, PPG, G3, CoM, Dragon's Hoard, Sorcerer's Place, RPG Dungeon,,

Offline jastey

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Re: Translations
« Reply #58 on: October 20, 2010, 03:25:33 PM »
Oh, this is great! I was away a couple of days, et voilà, all translations complete! Thank you very much, Bartek and prowler!

One question: I don't think I can just copy and paste the text into an editor - if I open the tra file, the Russian looks like this:
@16   = ~Ýòî òåëî êàêîãî-òî ÷åðòîâà äâîðÿíèíà! Òàêèå äåëà íå ïðèíåñóò ìíå íè÷åãî, êðîìå ïðîáëåì. Íåóæåëè âû íå ìîæåòå íàéòè òåëî êàêîãî-íèáóäü ïðîñòîëþäèíà??~

The Polish one looks wrong, too. :(

Maybe it is best if you send me the changed files, would that be possible? To jastey at

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Re: Translations
« Reply #59 on: October 22, 2010, 05:42:16 AM »
I have now all translations. Thank you very much!
I am waiting for the next WeiDU version (which I need for the planned fixes to the Scar quest(s)), then I will call for testers.


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Re: Translations
« Reply #60 on: July 20, 2011, 03:53:13 AM »
I have a suggestion concerning the German translation. I understand the Audio Restorations component uses the content of the "sound_tmp.tra" file to correct some strings that include references to sound files. In the German version of sound_tmp.tra however, the written text doesn't match the spoken words from the corresponding sounds. The lines are a close translation of the English text from the English sound_tmp.tra. Instead, the German text should be a written transcript of the actual spoken phrases heard in the respective German sound files.

jastey, I would edit the stuff (I know you could too ;)) and maybe you can include this in the upcoming v13 release that you are packing? On that occasion, I could go through the other German .tra files as well (using your current v13_110614 release of course) and proofread once more and correct anything else I come across. I have found some very minor typos in the older components, so I can make an overall updated German translation.

BTW, there is one problem I just realized. The sound files GORIN14.wav to GORIN20.wav seem to never have gotten properly translated. From my perfectly normal, original German BG1 installation, I just pulled these files out of the NPCSound.bif to hear what is actually said, since GORIN14 is used in the Audio Restorations component. But when I play the file it's the English sound. Is this "normal" or does anyone with a German BG1 actually have a German speaker in those sounds?

Offline jastey

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Re: Translations
« Reply #61 on: July 20, 2011, 02:11:50 PM »
Hurricane: Any proof-reading and corrections are more than welcome! Thank you in advance!

As to the GORIN sounds - I'll have to look at those. Maybe the install is mixed or a German one not coded into the main mod. There exist separate packages for the non-English versions, if you look here:
I would assume the German sounds are in there.


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Re: Translations
« Reply #62 on: July 24, 2011, 10:20:30 AM »
Thank you jastey for directing me to the separate sound packages for the non-English versions, I actually hadn't been aware of those. :o ;D Unfortunately, the audio packs don't help with the problem here, because they don't deliver any of the GORIN## sounds.

More importantly, while taking a close look at those packages (and coming across a whole different, separate issue), I also went over the BG1 sounds again and it seems like my concern was justified: The sound files named GORIN14 to GORIN20 that are present in German vanilla BG1, are in fact not German. I doubt a German version of those sounds was ever recorded. In other words, I think I've stumbled upon a shortcoming by Bioware/Black Isle/Interplay that we can do little about. If any German player, by contrast, happens to have a proper, translated sound, let me know. ;D But also if you can confirm the problem.

Now, as for the correction of sound_tmp.tra, this means we don't have a sound reference for the [GORIN14] text. So let's go through it like this:

First, the original English text and matching sound goes
"This way, good sir, over here!" (In BG1, it is referenced by Chanthalas Ulbright in Baldur's Gate and Zeke from the Nashkell fair.)

1) In German vanilla BG1 and vanilla BG2, the string says
"Hier entlang, guter Herr, hier drüben!"

2) A German BG1 textpatch proposed
"Dieser Weg, guter Herr, hier rüber!"

3) Currently, UB says
"Dieser Weg, werter Herr, hier herüber!"

4) I'd suggest
"Hier entlang, werter Herr, hier herüber!"

... because it sounds the most natural to me while retaining the original meaning of giving a direction, not a location. Any objections?

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Re: Translations
« Reply #63 on: July 29, 2011, 01:06:28 AM »
Sounds good. I won't be online for the next two weeks, after that, I will comment more. Thank you for your work!


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Re: Translations
« Reply #64 on: August 10, 2011, 09:40:29 AM »
Not a problem, I don't think we need to put a rush on this one. My corrections are in process, and I'm taking my time with them since I want to be as thorough as possible.

Also, I may have come across another issue that could lead to additional translations. For anyone able to help me with my concern, please see the thread back in the workroom about titled journal entries.

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Re: Translations
« Reply #65 on: January 01, 2012, 02:05:03 PM »
I would need some more lines in the appropriate languages, except German:
For English, please proof-read!

@115   = ~The functionality of this component is either already included or superceded by one of your already installed mods.~

The following lines will be shown in the game:
~Quietness in a bustling city~ (This is a journal header for Quoningar. @20176 and @20177 in etra_tmp.tra)

~Shilo Chen and the ogre-magi~ (This is a journal header for Quoningar. @20178 and @20179 in etra_tmp.tra)

@18 = ~Cheating on the entrance examination

I changed my mind and will not help Edie to cheat on her Baldur's Gate's Merchants' League's entrance examination.~

@19 = ~Cheating on the entrance examination

I could help young Edie with a magical potion. It might count as cheating, but considering she joined the Merchants' League some might say that's part of the job...~

@32 = ~The tainted ore

Berrun Ghastkill wants me to bring the vial of mysterious mineral poison I recovered from the Nashkel mines to Thalantyr in High Hedge. The powerful mage might be able to analyse it. And in case I'll find another piece of tainted ore I should go to Taerom Fuiruim.~

@33 = ~The tainted ore

Berrun Ghastkill wants me to bring the tainted ore I recovered from the Nashkel mines to Taerom Fuiruim in Beregost. Maybe the well-trained smithy can help us with that.~

Needed translations:
Spanish Done
French Done
Italian Done
Polish Done
Russian Done

For Polish and Russian, please PM me your email address so i can send you the files (my editor doesn't support the letters).
Thank you for your help!
« Last Edit: February 13, 2012, 01:26:58 AM by jastey »

Offline Isaya

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Re: Translations
« Reply #66 on: January 04, 2012, 04:37:20 PM »
Here is a French translation
@115 = ~Les fonctionnalites de ce composant sont deja incluses ou supplantees par un des mods que vous avez deja installes.~

~Du calme dans une ville bourdonnant d'activité~ (This is a journal header for Quoningar. @20176 and @20177 in etra_tmp.tra)

~Shilo Chen et les ogres-mages~ (This is a journal header for Shilo Chen. @20178 and @20179 in etra_tmp.tra)

@18 = ~Triche à l'examen d'entrée

J'ai changé d'avis et n'aiderai pas Edie à tricher pour son examen d'entrée dans la Ligue des Marchands de la Porte de Baldur.~

@18 = ~Triche à l'examen d'entrée

J'ai pu aider la jeune Edie grâce à une potion magique. Cela pourrait passer pour de la triche, mais sachant qu'elle a rejoint la Ligue des Marchands, on pourrait dire que cela partie du boulot...~

@32 = ~Le minerai contaminé

Berrun Tuemort veut que j'apporte la fiole du mystérieux poison minéral que j'ai récupérée dans les mines de Nashkel à Thalantyr à Haute haie. Le puissant mage pourrait être en mesure de l'analyser. Et si jamais je trouvais un autre morceau de minerai contaminé, il faudrait que j'aille voir Taërom Fuiruim.~

@33 = ~Le minerai contaminé

Berrun Tuemort veut que j'apporte le minerai contaminé que j'ai récupéré dans les mines de Nashkel à Taërom Fuiruim à Bérégost. Ce forgeron très compétent pourra peut-être nous aider à ce sujet.~

I also have an update to suggest in setup.tra, since BG1 NPC is now translated into French and Phase I and II are not split anymore during the installation of BG1 NPC. You may want to update other languages as well, to reflect the changes in BG1 NPC names and organisation (phase 1 and 2 are not mentionned).

@90000 = ~Le composant "BG1 NPC Project : bavardages, quetes et interjections" de BG1 NPC Project est en conflit avec ce composant.~
@90001 = ~Le composant "BG1 NPC Project : modifications necessaires" de BG1 NPC Project est en conflit avec ce composant.~
@90002 = ~Le composant "BG1 NPC Project : bavardages, quetes et interjections" de BG1 NPC Project est en conflit avec ce composant.~

I also have a minor fix in French ubvial.tra. It should be "Bérégost" instead of "Berégost" (two times with "é") in @10 and @14 (both male and female versions each time).

Finally, I'd like to ask another favor from you, in order to include WeiDU prompts at the end of setup.tra:
Code: [Select]
// WeiDU prompts
@-1000= "Le mod %TP2_FILE_NAME% contient"
@-1001= "composants optionnels distincts.
Pour gagner du temps, vous pouvez choisir ce que vous souhaitez faire d'eux
au niveau general plutot que de repondre aux questions pour chacun.
@-1002= "Que faut-il faire de tous les composants qui NE sont PAS ENCORE installes ?
Les [I]nstaller, les [S]auter, dem[A]nder pour chacun ? "
@-1003= "Que faut-il faire de tous les composants qui sont DEJA installes ?
Les [R]einstaller, les s[U]pprimer, les [S]auter, dem[A]nder pour chacun ? "

@-1004= "S'IL VOUS PLAIT, envoyez par e-mail le fichier"
@-1005= "a"

@-1006= "Installer le composant ["
@-1007= "] ?
[R]einstaller, co[N]server, s[U]pprimer ou [Q]uitter ? "
@-1008= "] ?
[I]nstaller, [N]e pas installer ou [Q]uitter ? "

@-1009= "Entrez une partie du nom du module : "

@-1010= "Reinstallation du composant ["
@-1011= "] "
@-1012= "Reinstallation dans la langue"

@-1013= "Suppression de l'ancienne installation de ["
@-1014= "] au prealable..."

@-1016= "Installation en cours"
@-1017= "ERREUR pendant l'installation de ["
@-1018= "], retour a l'etat anterieur"
@-1020= "Saute"
@-1021= "Suppression de ["
@-1022= "] (composant #"
@-1023= ")"

@-1025= "] ?
[R]einstaller, co[N]server, s[U]pprimer, [Q]uitter ou choisir un parmi :"
@-1026= "] ?
[N]e pas installer, [Q]uitter ou choisir un parmi :"
@-1027= " (installe actuellement)"

@-1028= "Souhaitez-vous afficher les composants de ["
@-1029= "] ?
[Y]Oui, [N]on ? "

@-1030= "] ?
choisir un parmi :"
@-1031= "] ?
[R]einstaller, co[N]server, [Q]uitter ou choisir un parmi :"
@-1034= "Souhaitez-vous afficher les instructions (ReadMe) ? [Y]Oui [N]on"
@-1035= "Dans la langue"

@-1036= "Saute le GROUPE ["
@-1037= "] pour cause d'absence des pre-requis."

@-1038= "dem[A]nder pour chaque composant, tout [S]auter, ou choisir une selection pre-definie :"
@-1039= "dem[A]nder pour chaque composant, [R]einstaller la configuration courante, tout s[U]pprimer, tout [S]auter, ou choisir une selection pre-definie :"

I have two suggestions about the English texts.

In @32 of ubvial.tra, maybe you shouldn't use "And in case I'll find another piece" but "And in case I find ...". Typically you don't use the future for that in English. Example: "When I grow up, I'll be a doctor". To me, it's the same case in @32.

In @115 of setup.tra, it seems it should be "superseded" instead. My dictionnary doesn't mention one of the usual subtle change between british english and american english for that verb, so I assume there is only one way to write it. ;)

Offline jastey

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Re: Translations
« Reply #67 on: January 04, 2012, 05:47:30 PM »
Thank you for the translations and the suggestions! I will add the WeiDU prompts.


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Re: Translations
« Reply #68 on: January 13, 2012, 03:41:13 PM »
Just a short comment regarding the journal headers: For the German version, there are no periods at the end of the headers, but for the English version (and I believe every other language version, but I can't verify), the journal headers are generally written with a period at the end of it. This is the way it is done in BG2, and BGT also does it accordingly as it assigns headers to BG1 journal entries. The new headers introduced by BG1UB should therefore adopt this behavior according to the respective language.

"Superceded" is a rare case but possible. "Superseded" is more common. ;)

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Re: Translations
« Reply #69 on: January 14, 2012, 05:21:46 AM »
Thank you, I added the dots in the English version. Spelling error corrected.

Offline prowler

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Re: Translations
« Reply #70 on: January 14, 2012, 10:51:27 AM »
Need to know which lines shown in game and which lines shown in DOS-window.
Coordinator of the Russian BWP Translation Team
Work with SHS, PPG, G3, CoM, Dragon's Hoard, Sorcerer's Place, RPG Dungeon,,

Offline jastey

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Re: Translations
« Reply #71 on: January 14, 2012, 01:55:31 PM »
I edited the above post. I will send you the files in question, prowler. Thank you very much in advance!

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Re: Translations
« Reply #72 on: January 15, 2012, 12:33:41 AM »
Here's the italian translation:

@115   = ~Questo componente o la funzione che svolge è già presente tra le modifiche precedentemente installate.~

The following lines will be shown in the game:
~Quiete in una città attiva~ (This is a journal header for Quoningar. @20176 and @20177 in etra_tmp.tra)

~Shilo Chen e l'orco magi~ (This is a journal header for Quoningar. @20178 and @20179 in etra_tmp.tra)

@18 = ~Barare all'esame di ingresso

Ho cambiato idea e non aiuterò Edie a barare nell'esame di ingresso alla Lega dei Mercanti.~

@19 = ~Barare all'esame di ingresso

Potrei aiutare la giovane Edie con una pozione magica. Sembrerebbe una truffa, ma considerando il fatto che ha a che fare con la Lega dei Mercanti si può dire che sia parte del lavoro...~

@32 = ~Il minerale contaminato

Berrun Ghastkill vuole che io vada ad Alta Siepe e che consegni a Thalantyr la fiala contenente il misterioso veleno minerale che ho recuperato dalle miniere di Nashkel. Il potente mago potrebbe essere in grado di analizzarla. E se in futuro troverò un altro pezzo di minerale contaminato dovrò portarlo a  Taerom Fuiruim.~

@33 = ~Il minerale contaminato

Berrun Ghastkill vuole che io vada a Beregost e che consegni a Taerom Fuiruim il minerale contaminato che ho recuperato dalle miniere di Nashkel. Forse l'esperto fabbro può darci una mano.~

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Re: Translations
« Reply #73 on: January 15, 2012, 05:06:39 AM »
Thank you very much!

Offline Graoumf

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Re: Translations
« Reply #74 on: January 15, 2012, 12:44:03 PM »
For Spanish, you can ask Lisandro - he's the most active nowadays.


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