Author Topic: Spell Related Mods in BG1  (Read 961 times)

Offline Ayce

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Spell Related Mods in BG1
« on: April 11, 2006, 04:53:13 PM »
Has anyone else noticed that spell related mods (i.e. new spells, spell class conversion and spell casting items) don't seem to work so will in BG1?

Using TeamBG IEEPro v1.09, I've tried to do a lot of mods lately, the only ones that seem to work are items that only have equipping effects (even some of those were buggy, but I worked it out).

Example, I tried to create a sword that has a fairie fire effect (change target colors to "silvery glow" for 18 seconds) when it hits, it alwasys causes game crashes (BTW, it works in IWD).

Example, when that didn't work, i tried gettng it to cast "fairie fire", my character avatar went through the motions and sounds and the graphical effect happened, but none of the extension header effects actually worked on the targets.

Example, I create a priestly candle of knowledge to give Jaheira "sleep" as a druid spell, whenever I use it and it works, it puts sleep in her mage book (per my last post) and she can't cast it.  I got this same mod to work in IWD.  I'm sure I set the spell setting to priest and the preist type setting to druid/ranger.  Maybe it's an NPC thing?

Example, when that didn't work, I created a "ring of dreams" which casts sleep 3/day.  Simple, right?  This worked a couple of times, but then Jaheira stopped responding to the command.  I'd click the use item icon, click the ring get the spell casting cursor, click a target and..................nothing.  I can only speculate this happened after I saved a game.

All I can say is all of these items were properly placed in the override folder with the proper settings and that some of them have actually worked properly in IWD.

I can only speculate that it has to do with windows XP, I only played BG1 in wini98 before whereas I've always played IWD in XP.
TotSC is not installed (yet), that may be a factor as well.

Again, this is a starndard BG1 install with patch running on wndows XP.  I've also noticed that gatekeeper has started crashing the game (it didn't do this the first few times I used it), I didn't change anything from when gatekeeper was working to when it started game crashes.  That's all the info I can provide.

P.S.  I'm also having a problem with an area mod.  I did a simple mod and added an item to the pirate hoard in the cave in the lighthouse area.  I put this are file in the override and it seemed to work great.  Again, the only mod I did was add an item in the container (I used Area Editor).  It seemed to work great until I tried to get out, the door/exit disappeared.  I looked back in the modified are file, and it says the door/exit is still there.  What gives?

Are these all outdated tools/winXP problems.  If so, what do I do now?  I fail to see how making the same modifications which different programs will work................

Any and all insights would be welcome with these issues.................



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