OK, yes, SimDing0 made a crappy mod. And don't get me started on the shittiness of mod TP2 coding, I'll rip into Kelsey like a scaling knife into acarp. s'okay, I'm exploring the issue. Like I said, if it's a problem, I'll use a different prefix. Frankly, though, I don't trust you to know WTF you're doing, sorry.
Installing Jonathan after virtue gives that behavior, yes.
Installing Virtue after Jonathan and Kelsey, I see neither of their scripts in the backup\0 directory, so, as reported, standard Virtue is brain dead about ALL extra NPCs, not just mine. So, I've got the patch, let me look at what you did here.
First off, your patch is nice and elegent, I like it. Bad, very bad form not to quote an exact striing you are using later, but a common error. And, indeed, it does not patch my poor NPC.
First: get rid of '^' for any file name globs - pointless. filenames are a string of the name, the cannot help but be the start of a line.
OK, so, yes, the generic AllNPC patch code you made does not handle a DV of W^Jon correctly, even when escaped (i am not surprised, the GLOB function, as I said already, is broken, and XP does something wierd with the ^ in the filename).
Well, it seems WxJon works, so I suppose W^Jon was confusing it. I will not use it. simple, see?