Author Topic: Innate not usable  (Read 1193 times)

Offline aigleborgne

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Innate not usable
« on: February 14, 2006, 06:14:53 AM »

I have a strange problem with innates.
First, I have used them sucessfully in the past in many creatures.

I add them manually using a tp2 code.
Well, for instance, I have added a charm spell as an innate.
Of course, it is set as innate level 1 in the spell itself.

I've checked the cre and have a correct number of spells and innate (2 spells, 1 innate).
My creature correctly cast its spells and innate.

So everything works fine, but... when I control Q the creature to join my party, I can access the spells but not the innate (the innate button is disable).
I can't find a solution... this is not a problem for my mod, but just for me :)

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Re: Innate not usable
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2006, 11:30:52 AM »
Have you tried resting?
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Offline aigleborgne

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Re: Innate not usable
« Reply #2 on: February 14, 2006, 11:46:47 AM »
Yes, resting doesn't help, which is logical since spells are usable immediatly.
Plus, innates are correctly memorized since the script cast them (with trigger like HaveSpellRES("innatexxx"))

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Re: Innate not usable
« Reply #3 on: February 14, 2006, 01:01:21 PM »
I think this may have something with how kits work when a creature joins the party. Try adding the charm spell via a kit and see if that works.
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