Just to clarify, for "myself" what would I be putting in, or is it just 'myself'? And..."havedonethistalk" is that the name of the banter?
Global ("chapter", "GLOBAL", x) what is x?
InParty(Myself) // Myself is Myself, as seen in Object.IDS
InParty("whoever else") // "whoever else" is the death variable for the NPC you want to ensure is in the party. "J#Kelsey", "Viconia", "Anomen", etc. are all examples You can find a Death Variable in an NPC's .CRE file.
AreaCheck(wherever you want it to be) // AreaCheck("AR1000") would be the government district
Global("Chapter","GLOBAL",x) // X is the chapter number.
SetGlobal("HaveDoneThisTalk","LOCALS",1) // You can make HaveDoneThisTalk anything you want, as long as it's not longer than 32 characters. A LOCAL variable is only checkable by a specific .cre that runs a scripts, as opposed to a GLOBAL, which any script can check.
StartDialogueNoSet("whoever else") // Another Death Variable
And WHERE exactly do I put this script? Right above the actual Chain dialogue? Will this be a .d file?
This script should be in your NPC's .cre file, in the OVERRIDE slot. It will be written in .baf format (a text file with the extension .baf), and you'll compile it in your .TP2 as you would a .d file:
COMPILE ~mymod/myscripts/script.baf~
OR, to compile an entire folder of .bafs, you'd write:
COMPILE ~mymod/myscripts~