Author Topic: So, can the pool bring in Fitz too?  (Read 53801 times)

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Re: So, can the pool bring in Fitz too?
« Reply #50 on: October 05, 2005, 11:56:32 PM »
I think Cliffette did a great job, and should not apologize at all for her Dynaheir.
<StoplightRed> right, right. but see, most of my friends really aren't bastards.
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Re: So, can the pool bring in Fitz too?
« Reply #51 on: October 06, 2005, 12:57:20 AM »
How come Tutu only gets bug reports, and not inflammatory topics like this?  I will take it as a compliment that people must think our bugs are in-character and flow well with the existing plot.
Oh there was one or two which was not a bug report rather something like "Wahta bunch ov cr**! Dont dawnload this s***!" ;D
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Offline Ghreyfain

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Re: So, can the pool bring in Fitz too?
« Reply #52 on: October 06, 2005, 01:28:33 AM »
How come Tutu only gets bug reports, and not inflammatory topics like this? I will take it as a compliment that people must think our bugs are in-character and flow well with the existing plot.
Oh there was one or two which was not a bug report rather something like "Wahta bunch ov cr**! Dont dawnload this s***!" ;D

True, there are those, but I tend to ignore Sim's and my own posts these days. :)  Too much complaining.
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Re: So, can the pool bring in Fitz too?
« Reply #53 on: October 06, 2005, 07:33:35 AM »
If it helps... I haven't read it!

I too am yet to try the mod, so I'll have to remain neutrally Swiss-like for the time being.

Buggery!  I just spilt yoghurt over my keyboard.

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Re: So, can the pool bring in Fitz too?
« Reply #54 on: October 06, 2005, 07:42:18 AM »
Buggery!  I just spilt yoghurt over my keyboard.
Didn't you split some water over it a month ago? (

I'm glad I'm not a keyboard then  ;)
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Re: So, can the pool bring in Fitz too?
« Reply #55 on: October 06, 2005, 07:46:41 AM »
Some people can't hold their liquor  ;D ;) ;D :pirate
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Offline Bursk

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Re: So, can the pool bring in Fitz too?
« Reply #56 on: October 06, 2005, 09:39:05 AM »
Buggery!  I just spilt yoghurt over my keyboard.
Didn't you split some water over it a month ago? (

I'm glad I'm not a keyboard then  ;)

I did indeed.  I'm such a spaz.   :P

Luckily, the damage from the yoghurt seems rather superficial; there's mainly just a slight whiff of strawberries.

Offline jcompton

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Re: So, can the pool bring in Fitz too?
« Reply #57 on: October 06, 2005, 09:41:24 AM »
Yep. We can get back to talking about Turnabout any time now.
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Re: So, can the pool bring in Fitz too?
« Reply #58 on: October 06, 2005, 11:12:07 AM »
I've downloaded although not played yet and am at work.  What's the offending article?
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Re: So, can the pool bring in Fitz too?
« Reply #59 on: October 06, 2005, 11:13:06 AM »
Yep. We can get back to talking about Turnabout any time now.

You want us to get back on topic?

So, ah, this pool, can it also summon Fitz?

How was that?

Offline Exodus

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Re: So, can the pool bring in Fitz too?
« Reply #60 on: October 06, 2005, 11:15:33 AM »
Yep. We can get back to talking about Turnabout any time now.

You want us to get back on topic?

So, ah, this pool, can it also summon Fitz?

How was that?

I'm rather interested in keyboard cleaning tips though.  Any suggestions?
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Offline Bursk

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Re: So, can the pool bring in Fitz too?
« Reply #61 on: October 06, 2005, 11:19:47 AM »
Yep. We can get back to talking about Turnabout any time now.

You want us to get back on topic?

So, ah, this pool, can it also summon Fitz?

How was that?

I'm rather interested in keyboard cleaning tips though.  Any suggestions?

Roofles.  :)

Some slightly moist bog roll seems to do the trick where yoghurt is concerned.

Oh, and I'm really looking forwards to trying out the mod.

Offline Ashara

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Re: So, can the pool bring in Fitz too?
« Reply #62 on: October 06, 2005, 11:32:24 AM »
Dear Domi and everybody else I offended/failed to impress, I apologise for my crap Dynaheir writing.

It was not the writing, the writing was very nice. What I thought was odd on the Screenshot was that Dynaheir, who chose to stay with Charname to the bitter end, and died (presumably fighting for him/her) in Irenicus' Dungeon would consider turning cloak and joining Melissan - or at least that's how it sounded on the screenshot posted. Taken out of context, of course, and can have an explanation and be a part of a large dialogue and addressed to an evil PC etc, etc, etc....

Another strange bit of text (for me) on the screenshots was Gorion exhibiting the paternal concern in regards to PC's bedtime (with the obligatory reference to Imoen)

This is not the point though, the point is that in every and all cases, one inclined so can pull out something and start being annoying about it. It's surely not the best way of proving one's point, but I had been wanting to do so for quite a while, and so I did when I saw my opening - it did not require big investment of my time, only some precursory browsing. Heck, I did not even bother to download the mod (and I had no intention to do so). I just sat there and pocked in the same hole I found after looking at it for two minutes. Which created a goodly 50+ post thread with a few hundred views. They could have neutralized me with Bons' post or similar in a matter of a few minutes after the very first post of mine. But they've reacted just like everyone else  - jumped on the defensive and tried to start discussing me, not the portrait or the mod.

I consider the conflict I carried inside me resolved to my satisfaction. At a price to myself, surely, but it was a price I was willing to pay.

Back to the yogurts now, peolpe.
« Last Edit: October 06, 2005, 12:08:41 PM by Ashara »
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Re: So, can the pool bring in Fitz too?
« Reply #63 on: October 06, 2005, 02:12:38 PM »
But they've reacted just like everyone else  - jumped on the defensive and tried to start discussing me, not the portrait or the mod.

Patently untrue. I addressed your complaint very directly here, then stopped taking you seriously when it became clear you were on a silly little crusade to spotlight the scourge of meanieness.

I consider the conflict I carried inside me resolved to my satisfaction. At a price to myself, surely, but it was a price I was willing to pay.

I'll be sure to add a bullet point about Turnabout's power to help players along a journey of personal self-discovery.
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Re: So, can the pool bring in Fitz too?
« Reply #64 on: October 07, 2005, 06:17:40 AM »
OMG I AM the Walrus and I just DL ed it yesterday. IT REALLY WORKS. get it now.

I am so happy this thread has climaxed and is on its way out .... of the window, topicwise at least.
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Re: So, can the pool bring in Fitz too?
« Reply #65 on: October 07, 2005, 07:14:01 PM »
Haha the Court Jester is funny.
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Re: So, can the pool bring in Fitz too?
« Reply #66 on: October 07, 2005, 08:37:27 PM »
Yes, It is truly one of Danny Kaye's best performances.
People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people.

Why spend all your day surfing for porn?

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Re: So, can the pool bring in Fitz too?
« Reply #67 on: October 24, 2005, 12:49:56 PM »
Plus, it increases the post count! I am shooting for at least 200 posts on the topic of this major deficiency!
I hope ya don't give me a curse or something, but ("major deficiency"  :o) you do sound a little like Isaea.
If this counts as "offensive", I gladly erase this post, because, in the words of Yoda: I mean you no harm.

Yes yes, I know. This is not the Star Wars Forum.
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Offline Borsook

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Re: So, can the pool bring in Fitz too?
« Reply #68 on: October 24, 2005, 12:55:47 PM »
Each and every forum is a Star Wars forum. :pirate
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Offline Hide and Seek

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Re: So, can the pool bring in Fitz too?
« Reply #69 on: October 24, 2005, 01:08:56 PM »
It is? When did this happen, and where were I?
Favourite Quotes from BG2
Minsc: Minsc will lead with blade and boot! Boo will take care of the details.
Saemon: Pardon?
Aerie: This is gonna hurt you ALOT more than me!
Sarevok: Now I return the favor!
Drizzt: Yes, yes, you have my attention.
Lilarcor: And this one's for Grandma, who said I would never amount to anything more than a butterknife!

Offline Borsook

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Re: So, can the pool bring in Fitz too?
« Reply #70 on: October 24, 2005, 01:47:54 PM »
It is? When did this happen, and where were I?
It has always been like this. You didn't know? You see, sometimes it's good to read manuals.
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