Maybe 2? I often play bards, and high lore is very powerful indeed, the problem is how much? Should she have lore higher then a bard?
It'd be a pity to break the balance or smth... unless we go for 5! It does seem promising!
She wouldn't have higher lore than a bard. Slightly less or equivalent per level if I went this route.
I think your answer depends on where Finch get's the ability from. Why can finch do this? because she's a book-worm? because of the glasses? To me, that would give you the answer. If she can identify things because she reads a lot, then it should be a lore thing. If it is because of magic glasses, then obviously it should be tied to the glasses.
Finch wears glasses because she can't see without them.

The identify skill is because she's a cleric of Deneir. It can manifest either because she's a bookworm in a higher lore than the average cleric, or because she's granted the ability from her god. Either one will fit as an explanation, I just need to commit to the implementation.
Originally, my plan had been to edit the glasses of Identification down to one use per day, make them unremoveable so I didn't have to worry about poor, blind Tweetybar, and kill two birds with one stone. Then I found out Identify is hardcoded. Soooo annoying.
One downside to giving Finch the Glasses of ID and scripting her blindness when they are taken off is I wouldn't be able to personalize the item description.