Author Topic: I am interested in any and all criticism!  (Read 125267 times)

Offline Miloch

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Re: I am interested in any and all criticism!
« Reply #150 on: April 29, 2010, 01:04:25 AM »
my point is, how can you make that assumption?  wouldn't it also help to use "APPEND ... UNLESS ..." or some form of FILE_CONTAINS regexp or something like that?
Yeah, I think most recent/reasonable mods use both ACTION_IF F_E_I_G/COPY and APPEND ... UNLESS, typically for SoA compatibility (which doesn't have all the .ids files ToB does). FILE_EXISTS without the _IN_GAME has rather limited usage in my opinion.

Offline Creepin

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Re: I am interested in any and all criticism!
« Reply #151 on: May 15, 2010, 03:13:06 AM »
I tried to grab temujin's fixes link to which he provided at this post and found out that the link is dead. I send him a private message asking for this files but seeing that he last logged more than 3 months ago I figured I will have more chances asking community as a whole: could someone that managed to get mentioned fixes while they were still available re-upload them somewhere please? :)

Offline temujin

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Re: I am interested in any and all criticism!
« Reply #152 on: May 15, 2010, 04:12:35 PM »
sorry, I wasn't aware people were actually using these, or that Speedyshare deletes uploads after a few weeks.  I've reuploaded here.

before I forget, I still have a few more of the things I wrote down that need fixing (in case someone wants to do something about them;  I don't have the desire to look after anyone's work):

Some more things not fixed yet:

12.  characters with less than 12 charisma would still be unable to get Vithal to attack if you threaten him due to a dialog loop.  the line "IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~I deserve it all! Hand it over!~ GOTO V_13b" clearly doesn't belong in V_12, maybe it could be moved to V_6...  (wasn't comfortable in fixing this before, since it requires slightly altering the dialogue structure)

13.  as i mentioned before, ronin's fix, which was used to ensure compatibility with the Fixpack, adds the missing trigger to the search blocks, but ignores to add them to the replacement blocks.  this would prevent R_B_B warnings, but it doesn't retain the changes made by the Fixpack.  (need to edit d4a_2.baf, d4b_2.baf, d6a_2.baf, d6b_2.baf to include the missing trigger)

14.  add compatiblity for Arnel's Nalia (prevent R_B_B warnings if that mod is installed before)
-  one way to fix this is to change:

Code: [Select]
COPY_EXISTING ~ar2904.bcs~ ~override/ar2904.bcs~
  REPLACE_BCS_BLOCK ~questpack/helltest/data/d2a_1.baf~ ~questpack/helltest/data/d2a_2.baf~
  REPLACE_BCS_BLOCK ~questpack/helltest/data/d2b_1.baf~ ~questpack/helltest/data/d2b_2.baf~
  REPLACE_BCS_BLOCK ~questpack/helltest/data/d4a_1.baf~ ~questpack/helltest/data/d4a_2.baf~
  REPLACE_BCS_BLOCK ~questpack/helltest/data/d4b_1.baf~ ~questpack/helltest/data/d4b_2.baf~
  REPLACE_BCS_BLOCK ~questpack/helltest/data/d6a_1.baf~ ~questpack/helltest/data/d6a_2.baf~
  REPLACE_BCS_BLOCK ~questpack/helltest/data/d6b_1.baf~ ~questpack/helltest/data/d6b_2.baf~


Code: [Select]
COPY_EXISTING ~ar2904.bcs~ ~override/ar2904.bcs~
  PATCH_IF (MOD_IS_INSTALLED ~Setup-LuvNalia.tp2~ 0) BEGIN  // compatibility with Arnel's Nalia
    SPRINT search_string ~Global("OpenedDoor6","AR2904",0)~
    INNER_PATCH_SAVE replace_string "%search_string%" BEGIN
      INSERT_BYTES 0x20 0x22
      WRITE_BYTE   0x20 0x0A
      WRITE_BYTE   0x21 0x09
      WRITE_ASCII  0x22 ~!Global("NaliaTaken","AR2904",1)~
      COPY ~questpack/helltest/data/d2a_1.baf~ ~questpack/helltest/data~
           ~questpack/helltest/data/d2a_2.baf~ ~questpack/helltest/data~
           ~questpack/helltest/data/d4a_1.baf~ ~questpack/helltest/data~
           ~questpack/helltest/data/d4a_2.baf~ ~questpack/helltest/data~
           ~questpack/helltest/data/d6a_1.baf~ ~questpack/helltest/data~
           ~questpack/helltest/data/d6a_2.baf~ ~questpack/helltest/data~
        REPLACE_TEXTUALLY "%search_string%" "%replace_string%"
  REPLACE_BCS_BLOCK ~questpack/helltest/data/d2a_1.baf~ ~questpack/helltest/data/d2a_2.baf~
  REPLACE_BCS_BLOCK ~questpack/helltest/data/d2b_1.baf~ ~questpack/helltest/data/d2b_2.baf~
  REPLACE_BCS_BLOCK ~questpack/helltest/data/d4a_1.baf~ ~questpack/helltest/data/d4a_2.baf~
  REPLACE_BCS_BLOCK ~questpack/helltest/data/d4b_1.baf~ ~questpack/helltest/data/d4b_2.baf~
  REPLACE_BCS_BLOCK ~questpack/helltest/data/d6a_1.baf~ ~questpack/helltest/data/d6a_2.baf~
  REPLACE_BCS_BLOCK ~questpack/helltest/data/d6b_1.baf~ ~questpack/helltest/data/d6b_2.baf~

15.  couple of scripts (d0sumefr.bcs and d0sumdji.bcs) are not being created properly since the source scripts from which they are created from do not have the expected syntax.  (i.e. REPLACE_TEXTUALLY fails to find the search string, and therefore doesn't create the destination BCS files)  Should comment out BUT_ONLY_IF_IT_CHANGES so DEST_FILEs get created regardless.

16.  uninstalling Nazariel the Lich results in removal of some nonexistent TIS/WAV files.  should probably comment out the first two lines in d0lichaudiouninstall.bat, maybe have a "del override\d0ar01.tis" instead.

17.  fix improper use of FILE_EXISTS (i.e replace "FILE_EXISTS ~override/" with "FILE_EXISTS_IN_GAME ~")

18.  fix improper use of COPY_EXISTING (i.e. replace "COPY_EXISTING ~questpack" with "COPY ~questpack")

19.  a nitpick - "fix" the warnings shown in the debug due to misnumbered state weights for some dialogs (this is just another cosmetic change so you get a cleaner debug; doesn't make any difference otherwise).  this is done by computing by the weights for said dialogs during install time as opposed to the numbers they were statically assigned earlier)

Offline Shaitan

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Re: I am interested in any and all criticism!
« Reply #153 on: May 17, 2010, 02:27:13 AM »
Anyone still got temujins fixes for D0QP? The link is dead...


Offline Lollorian

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Re: I am interested in any and all criticism!
« Reply #154 on: May 17, 2010, 03:03:15 AM »
The link temujin reposted in his last reply worked for me :o

Offline Graoumf

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Re: I am interested in any and all criticism!
« Reply #155 on: June 26, 2010, 12:50:52 PM »
It would be great if Temujin's fixes were included in a new package of this mod.
Do you think it's possible?

Offline the bigg

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Re: I am interested in any and all criticism!
« Reply #156 on: October 09, 2010, 04:32:28 PM »
questpack\encounters\DING0\randenc\city_new.baf contains this:

Code: [Select]

and my game doesn't contain VAMIR01.CRE. Is my game buggy, or is this a problem in the questpack? The BWP Fixpack doesn't appear to address the problem (either by adding vampir01.cre or changing the script file).
Author or Co-Author: WeiDU ( - Widescreen ( - Generalized Biffing ( - Refinements ( - TB#Tweaks ( - IWD2Tweaks ( - TB#Characters ( - Traify Tool ( - Some mods that I won't mention in public
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Offline Daulmakan

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Re: I am interested in any and all criticism!
« Reply #157 on: October 09, 2010, 06:44:08 PM »
and my game doesn't contain VAMPIR01.CRE.
Neither does mine.

Offline Lollorian

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Re: I am interested in any and all criticism!
« Reply #158 on: October 09, 2010, 08:22:55 PM »
Almost 75% of the mods in the BWP contain references to non-existent items/spells and creatures :D (this is where I absolutely LOVE DLTCEP ;D) The problem is:
- No/vague knowledge of what the object was actually supposed to be (eg: d0QP contains a non-existent "NOA3" item - and no clue on what it is or supposed to do)
- Might just be purposefully left incomplete by the author to avoid conflicts (seems rampant in the megamods)
- Just plain typos :P

I guess this one falls in the last category cause although a VAMPIR01 doesn't exist, we still have the male VAMPIM01 and female VAMPIF01 ;) So my vote goes to changing the first 2 CreateCreature()'s to:
Code: [Select]

(it hurts to not be able to attach :'()

EDIT: Replaced all references to either the male/female variant keeping balanced numbers (except in the last block where there are now 2 males and 1 female ... yay threesomes! :D) ... "fixed" file attached here
« Last Edit: October 09, 2010, 08:46:08 PM by Lollorian »

Offline the bigg

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Re: I am interested in any and all criticism!
« Reply #159 on: October 09, 2010, 08:45:03 PM »
(this is where I absolutely LOVE DLTCEP ;D)
Bleh, DLTCEP. I found this one because my mod was claiming INSTALLED WITH WARNINGS when EXTENDing ar0041.bcs in MODDER mode.

So my vote goes to changing the first 2 CreateCreature()'s to:
That's what I thought too, I just posted this in case somebody recalls a similarly named file from a mod that Sim might've had installed. Remember to check the rest of the script - there's like 30 instances of VAMPIR01 in there.
Author or Co-Author: WeiDU ( - Widescreen ( - Generalized Biffing ( - Refinements ( - TB#Tweaks ( - IWD2Tweaks ( - TB#Characters ( - Traify Tool ( - Some mods that I won't mention in public
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Offline Lollorian

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Re: I am interested in any and all criticism!
« Reply #160 on: October 09, 2010, 09:25:46 PM »
But it's shiny :'(

And yup, replaced all VAMPIR01's ;D

Now ... here's something I noticed, apparently this mysterious "NOA3" item is supposed to grant Immunity to Fear (cause those are the kinds of items being checked)

Anyone know any fear immunizing items other than:
- CLCK30
- HELM14
- SW1H32
?? Winner will probably solve this thing :P

Offline Miloch

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Re: I am interested in any and all criticism!
« Reply #161 on: October 10, 2010, 05:36:51 AM »
Anyone know any fear immunizing items other than:
- CLCK30
- HELM14
- SW1H32
This is where DLTCEP also comes in handy, because you can use it to search all items for an opcode.

Offline the bigg

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Re: I am interested in any and all criticism!
« Reply #162 on: October 10, 2010, 06:37:19 AM »
As does NI.
Author or Co-Author: WeiDU ( - Widescreen ( - Generalized Biffing ( - Refinements ( - TB#Tweaks ( - IWD2Tweaks ( - TB#Characters ( - Traify Tool ( - Some mods that I won't mention in public
Maintainer: Semi-Multi Clerics ( - Nalia Mod ( - Nvidia Fix (
Code dumps: Detect custom secondary types ( - Stutter Investigator (

If possible, send diffs, translations and other contributions using Git (

Offline Lollorian

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Re: I am interested in any and all criticism!
« Reply #163 on: October 10, 2010, 08:41:52 AM »
Using DLTCEP Pro v7.2 and NI v1.33b20 ... nada :(

Well, atleast DLTCEP gave me some results ... (searching for opcode 101 for [24] Horror)
Checking items...
Found opcode Protection: from Opcode [101] (0 157) in feature block #17 of equipping effects
Found opcode Protection: from Opcode [101] (0 45) in feature block #1 of equipping effects
Found opcode Protection: from Opcode [101] (0 25) in feature block #7 of equipping effects
Found opcode Protection: from Opcode [101] (0 39) in feature block #2 of equipping effects
Found opcode Protection: from Opcode [101] (0 39) in feature block #1 of equipping effects
Found opcode Protection: from Opcode [101] (0 39) in feature block #1 of equipping effects
Found opcode Protection: from Opcode [101] (0 216) in feature block #8 of equipping effects
Found opcode Protection: from Opcode [101] (0 24) in feature block #5 of equipping effects
... items like CLCK30 and HELM14 don't even show up even though it has the opcode 101 on 24 ???

No clue how to go about filtering ITMs in NI though :P

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Re: I am interested in any and all criticism!
« Reply #164 on: October 10, 2010, 09:00:47 AM »
NI search for Immunity to Effect (101) Panic (24):
- Open your item of choice which provides it
- Select Panic (24) in Immunity to Effect (101)
- Find selected attribute


Offline Lollorian

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Re: I am interested in any and all criticism!
« Reply #165 on: October 10, 2010, 09:17:17 AM »
Oh my ...! I am forever indebted to you mate! ;D

But the search results (in alphabetic order of itemcode) show CLCK30 righ below CHWRAITH ... and seeing that the items are in A-Z order in the scripts, this prolly confirms that this "NOA3" is just ... fluff?? :P Well, atleast I din't have to scan through 100s of items for the opcode :D


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Re: I am interested in any and all criticism!
« Reply #166 on: October 12, 2010, 03:10:20 AM »
Download (and extract and overwrite on top of your questpack folder)

Download link says "File not found. It has been either deleted, or it never existed at all."  :'(


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Re: I am interested in any and all criticism!
« Reply #167 on: October 12, 2010, 04:20:09 AM »
That's an old link, there's a newer one further up.

But... the newer one doesn't work for me, either? It says 'No servers are available with that data' or something like that.

Is that one down too? If so, any chance of a third upload? I'd really love to finally get qp working fairly normally.


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Re: I am interested in any and all criticism!
« Reply #168 on: October 12, 2010, 05:59:15 AM »
Is that one down too? If so, any chance of a third upload? I'd really love to finally get qp working fairly normally.

Temujin's fixes are included as part of the BiG World Fixpack. You can download it here.


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Re: I am interested in any and all criticism!
« Reply #169 on: October 12, 2010, 09:14:46 AM »
Thank you!

Offline Graoumf

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Re: I am interested in any and all criticism!
« Reply #170 on: February 05, 2011, 06:54:52 AM »
It would be great if Temujin's fixes were included in a new package of this mod.
Do you think it's possible?
Even if Temujin's fixes are in BWF, do you think a Quest Pack's update could be possible?
We also have the update of the french translation for Revised Hell Trials' part. It was an old translation, made by Sacha, and it would be great to see it in the Quest Pack.  :-\

Offline Kulyok

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Re: I am interested in any and all criticism!
« Reply #171 on: September 20, 2011, 01:39:49 AM »
If someone can do the update of the Quest Pack version available at our questpack page, I guess we could go and put this update as a new Questpack beta on-site.


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Re: I am interested in any and all criticism!
« Reply #172 on: December 11, 2012, 05:01:05 AM »

I'm playing Baldurs Gate 2 for the first time and reading about the game I've found this Quest Pack. One of the things I'm more interested in is multiple solutions to quests and I've found that vanilla BG2 has not so many of them. I'm in the second chapter and I've only done two or three quests from that chapter so I could be worng but that's the feeling I'm getting. That's the reason I'm so interested in this Pack but I'm afraid that it'll break my game or something like that. So, would you recommend me installing this Quest Pack?
Also, the Temujin fixes links for this pack (both) are down now and I've read that this other fixpack (BiG World Fixpack v11 can fix some of the QP bugs. How should I install it? I'm a noob with BG2 mods so, any instructions would be nice. Thank you!

Offline Kulyok

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Re: I am interested in any and all criticism!
« Reply #173 on: December 11, 2012, 05:14:58 AM »
If you're playing for the very first time, I would not advise you to install anything, really. It's your first playthrough, and to get the feel of the vanilla game is very much worth it.

Also, when people install mods, they usually have already played the game and know what they want(example: someone wants Grand Mastery to work like it did in BG1 game, wants to auto-pause the game during interjections and to make Nalia an Assassin, but you don't even know who Nalia is, yet. Or they want more interparty banter, but maybe you'll find the number of banters in the game sufficient already. Or find mod dialogue of insufficient quality. That said, many mods are great - but for BG2, I'd say they are worth it, but on your second playthrough).

Anyway, just in case: you first install Quest Pack(read the readme, then run the .exe file), then install the fixes(same thing). If you want, there are other quest mods with multiple solutions - scroll Pocket Plane, Gibberlings 3 and Spellhold Studios for more quest mods(but again, I wouldn't do it on your first s).

I'd caution you against expecting a long string of quests or huge new areas in Quest Pack, however - Quest Pack is a pack of mini-encounters. Tower of Deception is bigger, Assassinations is longer, and Lava's quest mods are generally deeper. But you'll have time to discover them on your own.

And, no, mods are usually created as not to break your game(although you may expect trouble if you're installing fifty at once without as much as reading their readmes, first).

Good luck!


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Re: I am interested in any and all criticism!
« Reply #174 on: December 11, 2012, 05:27:42 AM »
Thanks for the quick reply Kulyok!!!

It's my first playthrough but knowing me it'll likely be the last, I'm not a replayer, so I'd like to experience a good version of the game. I've installed mostly fixes because I don't want to add a lot of new quest, maps or general content, just to enhance what's already there, and QP seems to do just that.

Also, I've checked the readme and I have a doubt: it says is strongly recommended to start a new game after installing the pack but I don't really want to do that. I'm pretty early in the game and I think I've only started the Xzar quest, he asked me to investigate a imprisoned friend of his, I answered him that I would but I've done nothing about it yet. Will that create a problem? I think I haven't started any other QP related quest in the game so, I don't need to start a new game, right?

Thanx again!


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