sorry, I wasn't aware people were actually using these, or that Speedyshare deletes uploads after a few weeks. I've reuploaded
before I forget, I still have a few more of the things I wrote down that need fixing (in case someone wants to do something about them; I don't have the desire to look after anyone's work):
Some more things not fixed yet:
12. characters with less than 12 charisma would still be unable to get Vithal to attack if you threaten him due to a dialog loop. the line "IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~I deserve it all! Hand it over!~ GOTO V_13b" clearly doesn't belong in V_12, maybe it could be moved to V_6... (wasn't comfortable in fixing this before, since it requires slightly altering the dialogue structure)
13. as i mentioned before, ronin's fix, which was used to ensure compatibility with the Fixpack, adds the missing trigger to the search blocks, but ignores to add them to the replacement blocks. this would prevent R_B_B warnings, but it doesn't retain the changes made by the Fixpack. (need to edit d4a_2.baf, d4b_2.baf, d6a_2.baf, d6b_2.baf to include the missing trigger)
14. add compatiblity for Arnel's Nalia (prevent R_B_B warnings if that mod is installed before)
- one way to fix this is to change:
COPY_EXISTING ~ar2904.bcs~ ~override/ar2904.bcs~
REPLACE_BCS_BLOCK ~questpack/helltest/data/d2a_1.baf~ ~questpack/helltest/data/d2a_2.baf~
REPLACE_BCS_BLOCK ~questpack/helltest/data/d2b_1.baf~ ~questpack/helltest/data/d2b_2.baf~
REPLACE_BCS_BLOCK ~questpack/helltest/data/d4a_1.baf~ ~questpack/helltest/data/d4a_2.baf~
REPLACE_BCS_BLOCK ~questpack/helltest/data/d4b_1.baf~ ~questpack/helltest/data/d4b_2.baf~
REPLACE_BCS_BLOCK ~questpack/helltest/data/d6a_1.baf~ ~questpack/helltest/data/d6a_2.baf~
REPLACE_BCS_BLOCK ~questpack/helltest/data/d6b_1.baf~ ~questpack/helltest/data/d6b_2.baf~
COPY_EXISTING ~ar2904.bcs~ ~override/ar2904.bcs~
PATCH_IF (MOD_IS_INSTALLED ~Setup-LuvNalia.tp2~ 0) BEGIN // compatibility with Arnel's Nalia
SPRINT search_string ~Global("OpenedDoor6","AR2904",0)~
INNER_PATCH_SAVE replace_string "%search_string%" BEGIN
INSERT_BYTES 0x20 0x22
WRITE_BYTE 0x20 0x0A
WRITE_BYTE 0x21 0x09
WRITE_ASCII 0x22 ~!Global("NaliaTaken","AR2904",1)~
COPY ~questpack/helltest/data/d2a_1.baf~ ~questpack/helltest/data~
~questpack/helltest/data/d2a_2.baf~ ~questpack/helltest/data~
~questpack/helltest/data/d4a_1.baf~ ~questpack/helltest/data~
~questpack/helltest/data/d4a_2.baf~ ~questpack/helltest/data~
~questpack/helltest/data/d6a_1.baf~ ~questpack/helltest/data~
~questpack/helltest/data/d6a_2.baf~ ~questpack/helltest/data~
REPLACE_TEXTUALLY "%search_string%" "%replace_string%"
REPLACE_BCS_BLOCK ~questpack/helltest/data/d2a_1.baf~ ~questpack/helltest/data/d2a_2.baf~
REPLACE_BCS_BLOCK ~questpack/helltest/data/d2b_1.baf~ ~questpack/helltest/data/d2b_2.baf~
REPLACE_BCS_BLOCK ~questpack/helltest/data/d4a_1.baf~ ~questpack/helltest/data/d4a_2.baf~
REPLACE_BCS_BLOCK ~questpack/helltest/data/d4b_1.baf~ ~questpack/helltest/data/d4b_2.baf~
REPLACE_BCS_BLOCK ~questpack/helltest/data/d6a_1.baf~ ~questpack/helltest/data/d6a_2.baf~
REPLACE_BCS_BLOCK ~questpack/helltest/data/d6b_1.baf~ ~questpack/helltest/data/d6b_2.baf~
15. couple of scripts (d0sumefr.bcs and d0sumdji.bcs) are not being created properly since the source scripts from which they are created from do not have the expected syntax. (i.e. REPLACE_TEXTUALLY fails to find the search string, and therefore doesn't create the destination BCS files) Should comment out BUT_ONLY_IF_IT_CHANGES so DEST_FILEs get created regardless.
16. uninstalling Nazariel the Lich results in removal of some nonexistent TIS/WAV files. should probably comment out the first two lines in d0lichaudiouninstall.bat, maybe have a "del override\d0ar01.tis" instead.
17. fix improper use of FILE_EXISTS (i.e replace "FILE_EXISTS ~override/" with "FILE_EXISTS_IN_GAME ~")
18. fix improper use of COPY_EXISTING (i.e. replace "COPY_EXISTING ~questpack" with "COPY ~questpack")
19. a nitpick - "fix" the warnings shown in the debug due to misnumbered state weights for some dialogs (this is just another cosmetic change so you get a cleaner debug; doesn't make any difference otherwise). this is done by computing by the weights for said dialogs during install time as opposed to the numbers they were statically assigned earlier)