Author Topic: Your Favorite Old Games  (Read 24601 times)

Offline Borsook

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Re: Your Favorite Old Games
« Reply #25 on: December 19, 2005, 10:30:40 PM »
I forgot about Heroes of Might and Magic II. and III.
Didn't you mean King's Bounty? Homm 2/3 are not old games, aren't they? Please tell me they're not old.

Ah. III was made in '99. I guess it's not that old. I still play the FIRST one. Is that old enough? Hahaha.
Yeah, Ok. KB is better but HOMM1 may be old... it scares me nowadays bte everything is so big on screen... So III is 6 years old... seems like yesterday when it came out...
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Re: Your Favorite Old Games
« Reply #26 on: December 22, 2005, 05:11:58 PM »
I never much played those games. I forgot some others.

-CaesarII and Caesar III I had a fit because I found a copy of CaesarIII on sale in the dollar aisle at Target. Build Rome! Stop fires! Annoy people! Ah, such fun.

-CivilizationII Good ol' Civ2. I haven't played that game in forever. I used to love building up for a while, then cheating and spawning nuclear warheads right next to the enemy cities and then breaking peace treaties. I was a bastard. But I was good at it! :D
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Offline belboz

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Re: Your Favorite Old Games
« Reply #27 on: February 14, 2006, 12:14:26 AM »
What, no love for M.U.L.E.? Or the Infocom library? Or the worst-ever school-computer timesink, Rogue?

Now I do feel old.

Offline Macready

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Re: Your Favorite Old Games
« Reply #28 on: February 14, 2006, 10:01:14 AM »
Hello -

Dungeons of Daggorath.  The most perfect game ever made given the design parameters, IMO.  The whole thing was 16K -- unbelievable.  Whoever dreamt up that heartbeat system was a genius.
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Re: Your Favorite Old Games
« Reply #29 on: February 14, 2006, 03:48:47 PM »
i really wish i could get grim fandango to run on my new system.  even in compatibility mode, it frreezes.   :(
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Re: Your Favorite Old Games
« Reply #30 on: February 14, 2006, 03:50:30 PM »
Yeah, I loved Manny and his collapsible scythe.

I also enjoyed Baldurs Gate very much. :P
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Offline Azazello

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Re: Your Favorite Old Games
« Reply #31 on: February 14, 2006, 08:48:33 PM »
How old is 'old'? I only play old games!

  • BG series, of course
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  • them golden box D&D games
  • Doom (only in multiplayer)
  • Spy Hunter (arcade version, of course!)
  • Stargunner

Sorry for the testosterone-driven listing. We didn't play many girlie games in my day.
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Offline jcompton

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Re: Your Favorite Old Games
« Reply #32 on: February 14, 2006, 10:46:17 PM »
What, no love for M.U.L.E.? Or the Infocom library?

We've had a MULE thread or two on PPG, actually. And probably an Infocom thread or two as well. I'm overdue on my "every year or two" AMFV playthrough, although I've found it less enjoyable the more the real world starts to look like it.

Running through the Zork Trilogy again a year or two back was a good time.
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Offline cmorgan

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Re: Your Favorite Old Games
« Reply #33 on: February 15, 2006, 04:56:42 PM »
Zork. Ahhh, now we are back to the beginning... text adventures that started some of us wondering what it would be like if that little squiggle on the screen actually looked like our imagination...  Great gameplay, but after a wave of nostalgic playing of Hitchhiker's Guide, Rogue, or Ancient Art of War, I have to get back to a more modern age. Say, perhaps Civ 1, or even the Amiga D&D.

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Re: Your Favorite Old Games
« Reply #34 on: April 10, 2006, 10:42:09 AM »
I was weaned onto videogames by the original Wing Commander and its expansions. Oh, the fun of blowing maniac out of space never ends.
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Re: Your Favorite Old Games
« Reply #35 on: April 17, 2006, 09:13:30 AM »
gold box games- maybe the original toee - i honestly can't remember as it was 16 odd years ago.  But that's what got me started.  on a b&w macintosh with a screen as big as my hand.  never finished it - wnet roaming before i'd levelled up enough and found a room with a thousand orcs in it, and no clean save game.  never will forget the raw fear when the pop up window with the orcface clove my game in two.

had an amiga but couldn't play the 1MB games - remember those days?

until baldur's gate it's been nothing but fifa and winning eleven on the playstation (except for a minor cultural experiment in Madden while serving in the military - helps for boot shining).

so there it is - my gaming history and a few minorly distracting revelations.
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Offline cirerrek

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Re: Your Favorite Old Games
« Reply #36 on: April 17, 2006, 09:56:06 PM »
Microprose - Masters of Magic and Masters of Orion and Masters of Orion 2. 

Masters of Orion 3 was a major disappointment.  Probably more realistic from a governing the galaxy point of view, but lost the majority of the elements that made Masters of Orion 1 & 2 enjoyable in the translation to "grown up domination of the universe". 

There was one called I believe Kings Bounty that I really liked. 

The Elder Scrolls - Arena - Loved the riddles.  We actually called playing Arena "Serving the Master."  Another favorite was "Going to get some Vitamin Videogame."   

The Elder Scrolls - Daggerfall - RRRRRRRRRGagggggggggh........alllllllllllllll!!!!!!!!!!!    Spent countless hours on this game only to have an item I needed to finish the game disappear from my backpack.  I haven't picked up an Elder Scrolls title since. 

Eye of the Beholder 1 & 2.  I don't recall if I played 3.  Pretty neat puzzles.  I quit playing Darkmoon because I couldn't find a stupid hidden mirror? shield, but then I picked it up a year later and found the shield in ~5 minutes (guess I just need to think about it for a bit ;))  Wait, I must have played 3.  Were the Feyrs and some sort of cool black headed returning throwing hammer in #3???

Anything Metroid.

If I could own two arcade games they would be

Super Mario Brothers

Mortal Combat   
« Last Edit: April 17, 2006, 10:00:24 PM by cirerrek »

Offline jcompton

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Re: Your Favorite Old Games
« Reply #37 on: April 17, 2006, 10:03:45 PM »
had an amiga but couldn't play the 1MB games - remember those days?

Not exactly, because I wasn't so cheap as to not buy a lousy 512K expansion. Yeesh. :)
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Re: Your Favorite Old Games
« Reply #38 on: April 18, 2006, 06:47:52 AM »
I too was an Infocom junkie once upon a time.  I love the Zork Trilogy (just played through them last week), as well as the Enchanter trilogy (which I'm playing now).  Ultimas 1 through 7 all hold special places in my heart -- especially Ultimas 4 and 7.  BG goes without saying of course.  Starcraft is one of my favorites as well....

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Re: Your Favorite Old Games
« Reply #39 on: October 18, 2006, 05:49:42 AM »
Hexen - an old FPS game
Lighthouse - the only game Sierra made that I liked

Neither now work on my computer, although I believe there's a workaround for Lighthouse and XP Pro.
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Offline Menelanna

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Re: Your Favorite Old Games
« Reply #40 on: October 18, 2006, 07:57:38 AM »
i always found the Kings Quest games fun (but did not care much for the last one). but favorite old game? gotta be the Monkey Island games! Has fighting (ummm sort of), it has LOTS of humor, you play a pirate, you win the girl, and you defeat the evil undead flesh eating pirate Lu'Chuck. very fun game. puzzels of lots of fun (some of them once you spend 3 hours figuring it out you slap yourself in the head realizing the answer was staring you in the face the whole time, literally).

Offline Riviera

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Re: Your Favorite Old Games
« Reply #41 on: October 18, 2006, 02:12:43 PM »
Wizardry Gold. I still remember rolling dice countless hours to get a faerie ninja.  ::)

Fallout 1 & 2. You could do some hilarious things in that series, plus the manuals were a blast to read.

Is Arcanum considered old? I love that game as well.. especially the backgrounds you could choose.  The lower-intelligence dialogues were great!

I remember Hexen! That was a fun game..
« Last Edit: October 18, 2006, 02:14:20 PM by Riviera »
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Offline Retet

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Re: Your Favorite Old Games
« Reply #42 on: January 10, 2007, 10:10:58 PM »
In scrollling through the posts, I didn't see my favorite old games:

Ultima IV
Ultima V
Ultima VI
Ultima VII

Offline Silk

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Re: Your Favorite Old Games
« Reply #43 on: January 20, 2007, 04:07:03 AM »
Hexen was great fun !!!
"Some say that our destinies may be read in the stars, that the plans of the gods are revealed to those who but know where to look.  They speak it true but their location is false, for I have seen my destiny shining in your eyes" (Anomen, PPG NPC Flirt Pack)

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Re: Your Favorite Old Games
« Reply #44 on: August 27, 2007, 11:18:27 PM »
Fury3.  At the time I was more fascinated by the idea of flying around in a jet and blowing up robots than I was in sword-and-sorcery.  But I have seen the light.
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