Hi there! I found this mod two or three days ago, and once applied to EasyTutu, it was almost like playing BG1 for the first again - simply brilliant! Just wanted to thank you for that.
However, I've noticed a bug that creeps up every now and then. The game crashes sometimes when I loot a deader's stuff (the things s/he dropped on death, y'know) from the mainview (not the inventory screen), and I click on an empty slot instead of one that contains loot. This has happened both in EasyTutu and in vanilla BG2 (+ToB). It doesn't seem to happen everytime I mis-click, but it happens often enough, that looting has become a slightly time consuming affair
The way it crashes, if it's any help, is that the controls become unresponsive, the music starts looping for a few seconds, then it crashes to the desktop.
Oh, and apart from EasyTutu, I've only got the Dungeon-Be-Gone mod installed.