I just wanted to state a (minor?) problem I had with the BG1 GUI for TUTU.
The problem I encountered actually occurs right at the main-menu-screen of BG (single player, multiplayer, quit, movies). When the game starts an this screen is loaded I just see the background-image WITHOUT buttons. They only appear as I click somewhere in the free space where I guess the buttons would be. After they have appeared, my cursor somehow "erases" the buttons again as I move over them.
This just happens in the main-menu-screen (and subscreens). The menus while creating a character or ingame are unaffected.
Maybe this is just a special problem concerning my graphics-card (G4 TI-4200) and settings?
Two further things I noticed:
1) when I turned off 3D-acceleration the buttons are invisible at first as well, though the cursor does not erase them.
2) after I installed the "quick patch" (TutuCHUsp1.exe) the problem also occurred in the ingame menus.
Hope I'm not wasting anybody's time with the just stated problem...