I have never tried the Virtue mod in the past. But there are many holes in the alignment that needs to be arranged in order to understand it well.
The question is : What is the alignment based on? Is the alignment based on actions (Deontological ethics)? Is the aligment based on the intents that command the actions (Virtue ethics)? Or is the alignment based on the consequences of your actions (consequentialism).
For example, a consequentialist may argue that lying is wrong because of the negative consequences produced by lying — though a consequentialist may allow that certain foreseeable consequences might make lying acceptable. A deontologist might argue that lying is always wrong, regardless of any potential "good" that might come from lying. A virtue ethicist, however, would focus less on lying in any particular instance and instead consider what a decision to tell a lie or not tell a lie said about one's character and moral behavior.
Is it based on actions at all? Do you need to be a zealot to be good? Or is it all about respect for life and respect for ethics?
As you can see, the alignment itself is much more complex than it seems. Here is a few definitions that might help you.
Good/EvilGood :1) Believing in creature rights, and that every creature has the right for relative freedom and happiness. Cruelty and suffering is undesirable.
Based on respect for lifeUnder definition 1) of “Good”, most humans are Good2) Placing others above yourself.
Based on actionsNeutral :1) Following an ethos (using both good and evil as Tools to reach their goals such as some lawful neutrals, true neutrals and chaotic neutrals).
Based on actions Note : good and evil are irrelevant beside it's purpose to bring order (lawful neutral), ultimate balance (true neutral) or chaos (chaotic neutral).
2) Represents a lack commitment one-way or the other (good and evil).
Based on actions or respect for life Note : The purpose is limited. Neither good or evil shall be actively seeked.
Under definition 2) of “Neutral”, most humans are Neutral3) Seeking a balance between good and evil. Neither must become prominent over the other.
Based on actions4) Those who cannot judge what a good/evil/lawful/chaotic act is are considered neutral.
Note : Like animals for example.
Evil : 1) Placing yourself above others.
Based on respect for life2) Actively seeking to harm and destroy weather for fun or profit.
Based on actionsLaw/ChaosLaw :1) Promoting the group over the individual.
Based on actions2) Placing ethic above conscience.
Based on respect for ethicsNeutral : 1) following an ethos (using both law and chaos as Tools to reach goals such as some neutral goods, true neutrals and neutral evils.).
Based on actions2) A middle state, a state of not feeling compelled toward one side or the other.
Based on actions or respect for ethics3) Seek a balance between law and chaos.
Based on actions4) Those who cannot judge what a good/evil/lawful/chaotic act is are considered neutral.
Chaos :1) Promoting the individual over the group.
Based on actions2) Placing conscience above ethic.
Based on respect for ethicsGood/Evil
Definitions that goes together (respectively from good to neutral to evil) for respect for life : 1), 2) ,1)
Definitions that goes together (respectively from good to neutral to evil) for actions : 2), 1), 2) or 3), 2).
Definition 2) from “Neutral” in Good/Evil and definition 1) from “Neutral” in Law/Chaos are rather special. By definition, good/law or evil/chaotic are irrelevant which means that hey would normally be classified as evil/chaotic instead of neutral on the respect for life/ethics category. They would be classified neutral on actions since their actions are not specifically good/lawful or evil/chaotic.
Definitions that goes together (respectively from law to neutral to chaos) for respect for ethics : 2); 2); 2)
Definitions that goes together (respectively from law to neutral to chaos) for actions : 1); 1), 2) or 3); 1)
I also found out that there could be more than 9 different alignments (involving 2 forms of neutrality). I could write and write forever about the alignment system. But I got responsibilities

If anyone has any questions, critics, disagreements or comments; please feel free to post them. I would be very pleased to read or answer them.