Author Topic: IRON MODDER TUTU RESULTS  (Read 4548 times)

Offline jcompton

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« on: February 05, 2005, 08:59:57 PM »

It's a special Baldur's Gate Tutu edition of Iron Modder! Bending to popular demand, the Chairman has agreed to open Infinity Stadium to the delightful amalgam of plot and engine that is Tutu. But it will be no airy feat to create new delicacies for Tutu in the four-hour pressure cooker that is Iron Modder!

Four Iron Modders responded to the challenge posed by "A Rain Of Tears," serving up a sobering selection of betrayal, remorse, and repentance come too late. Whose plotweaving would best fit the Iron Tutu?

The Chairman shared his thoughts with the anxious audience before making his presentation.

Baldur's Gate is a game of anguish and loss. Indeed, one suspects <CHARNAME> might weep at any moment from the sheer strain of it all. And yet grief is all around <PRO_HIMHER>, and rising above the trials to victory clears the saltwater from our mouths.

Scoring judges were jcompton, Bons, Sorschana, and CamDawg.

"Baldur's Gate within the Baldur's Gate II engine -- it reminds me of nori wrapped around sushi rice, what a gentle way to present a feast! I am expecting exotic dishes today with this inaugural Tutu Iron Modder competition. How exciting!" - Bons


Iron Modder SimDing0 presented a Tutu tapas, a mere whetting of the appetite. The cultists take refuge in their faith in higher, nobler powers than mere mortals can comprehend, and await another cleansing rain of tears to scrub evil from the land.

"Such an unexpected setting for a tale of radiant sorrow! The bleak backdrop of the Ulcaster ruins makes for a deliciously bitter counterpart to this frothy little tale. While I found the choice of expression for the theme ingredient a little bland, the presentation definitely earns some points of its own." - Sorschana

"Sim's mod featured what I thought was the best setup for a quest to come. Unfortunately, the setup was the entire entry due to Sim's limited time to work on an entry. Still, Sim's writing and imagination came through and would be a good setup for a further expansion on the idea, though I was left wanting more." - CamDawg

"Iron Modder Ding0's entry was low on complexity, but full of flavor, like a slice of toro sashimi. The cultist's tale was well done, but more like an appetizer, leaving this player hankering for more than one bite of mod." - Bons


Iron Modder Andyr presented a tale of kidnapping and anguish, repentance and self-flagellation. Would these flavors explode with delight, or curdle in most distressing fashion?

"A bittersweet little concoction laced through with sorrow, loss and just a little dash of gods' wrath for good measure. Elegantly and sparsely presented with just enough flavor and color to liven the tongue--truly unique!" - Sorschana

"Andyr's entry had the most polish and felt the most complete of the four entries. Though the mod was small, there were a number of outcomes and even came complete with journal entries. Though I had hoped for a bit more from the characters, I felt that Garent's dialogue with the player evoked the best image of the theme among the four entries." - C@mDawg

"A quest of tragic proportions! How moving! Iron Modder Andyr has chosen to accentuate the mournful tone of the theme with this tale of a man seeking to bring the killer of his brother to justice. The first meeting with Rojar worked effortlessly. I enjoyed a fair variety of dialogue options, though they were not very garnished. Instead, it was like home cooking, simple but satisfying.

My adventure became problematic when I went in search of the yellow-robed villain. Visitng the coordinates provided by the ReadMe, I found empty grass! Certain of user error, I roamed the full temple area east of Bergerost - still no yellow man!

With my judging time running low, I was forced to manually spawn this elusive CRE. I was not disappointed by the flavors he had to offer. The dialogue in this course had a bit more kick, and harkened the theme well. In the scenario I chose, an extra final zing was added to the flavor of the entry when the villain performed hari-kiri. Nothing thrills the palate like Kill(Myself)!" - Bons


The Iron Pirate returns with a dash of hot sauce in the eyes of the well-meaning. Not everything is as it appears, as duty and honor gnash with deception and betrayal like ice cubes in a blender.

"Again, the theme ingredient is something of a garnish for this subtle dish laced through with possibilities for more, but the presentation is so spectacular that it serves as something of a frame." - Sorschana

"Centered on a traditional style of quest, Ghreyfain's mod involved the most action of the group. The setup was fairly standard and the resolution involved a nice twist. Unfortunately, Ghrey's entry suffered the most noticeable bug of the four entries: the second batch of hostiles remained blissfully oblivious as the party hacked away. The final dialogue also implied there was more to do, leaving the player to ponder on loose ends." - CamDawg

"Iron Modder Ghreyfain's entry was most complex of the menus served this competition for me, yet it seemed to make me crave the most finishing because of the intruiging nature of the quest encounter. The IM way of judging did not do this entry full justice first time around - using a test party, I CTRL+Y'ed every enemy in sight at the first opportunity, saving the children in peril. Alas, the following dialogue unfolded under the assumption that the children were all dead, when they were standing within view! Under normal gameplay, this would be a rare case, and I had ample time to experience the quest battle under normal playing circumstances, but I would suggest adding a condition checking the death of the children all the same. Among the entries, this one had the most vibrancy as a quest. It included a nice use of cutscenes, an interesting twist in plot, and stimulating dialogue that left me wanting to hunt down the purveyor of evil (Not implemented for Iron Tutu, but I can hope!) A truly flavorful dish, needing a few tweaks in the portions to suit mass consumption." - Bons


Iron Modder Domi spins a web of mad passion and senseless love. Our guest diner is Xan, as the moody elf is handed knife and fork and invited to sup at the head table of conversation.

"Domi built her mod upon the encounter with Centeol, the cursed noblewoman that dwells in the Cloakwood. Building upon the hooks left by the developers, Domi leverages Xan's character to expand the Centeol encounter and provide a richer and deeper encounter. Still, the experience felt a bit forced and the ending a bit abrupt, though overall I liked the idea." - ScramL0g

"The Centeol encounter has always cried out for further expedition, and our intrepid Iron Modder Domi attempts just this with the aid of the infamously gloomy Xan. While the components are tantalizing, I find that the theme ingredient itself is somewhat overwhelmed by clever side accompaniments." - Sorschana

"Domi's Iron Tutu Entry had luxurious, innovative flavors, such as avatar transformation and use of the weather commands, in addition to a dialogue filled encounter. The Xan interjections were on the pleasing and tangy side, but the mention of Jon Irenicus hit a sour note with me. This was the judge's taste preference, as I would have preferred an anonymous unrequited love be the subject of the tale rather than forced continuity in this instance." - Bons

The judging is complete! Four thunderclouds of grief! Who will emerge cleansed? Whose menu best exhibited the theme? Who will it be? Which Iron Modder shall reign supreme?


Reminding us that the past has a price, Iron Modder Andyr wowed the judges with a square meal of choice and detail. The Iron Stickman may lack the hips to wear the Iron Tutu, but we here at Infinity Stadium wish him the best in his victory! Congratulations!

FINAL SCORES out of 25 possible (average)

Andyr: 17.5
Ghreyfain: 16.75
Sim: 16
Domi: 15
Cespenar says, "Kelsey and friends be at the Pocket Plane? Ohhh yesssss!"

Offline jcompton

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« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2005, 09:04:40 PM »
Average scores by category

EXposition of the Theme (1-10)
Originality (1-5)
Innovation (1-5)
ENtertainment (1-5)

EX: 7.75
O: 3.25
I: 2.75
EN: 3.75
# of first-place votes: 2

EX: 6
O: 4
I: 2.75
EN: 4
# of first-place votes: 2

EX: 7
O: 3.5
I: 2.25
EN: 3.25
# of first-place votes: 0

EX: 6.5
O: 3.25
I: 2.25
EN: 3
# of first-place votes: 0
Cespenar says, "Kelsey and friends be at the Pocket Plane? Ohhh yesssss!"

Offline jcompton

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« Reply #2 on: February 05, 2005, 09:05:36 PM »
Please discuss results in this thread:
Cespenar says, "Kelsey and friends be at the Pocket Plane? Ohhh yesssss!"

Offline jcompton

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« Reply #3 on: February 05, 2005, 09:14:27 PM »
The Iron Modder Tutu download pack is now available:
Cespenar says, "Kelsey and friends be at the Pocket Plane? Ohhh yesssss!"