I've a problem with the mod installation.
Here in the exact order what I've done:
1) made a full install of BG2 with Throne of Bhaal (italian version) (*)
2) patched with "BGII-ThroneofBhaal_Patch_26498_EUROPEAN"
3) patched again with "BGII-ThroneofBhaal_Patch_26499"
4) fixed with "BG2ThroneOfBhaalFixPack112"
5) made a full install of IWD2 in the same hard drive of BG2 (with no patch because the italian version is just 2.01) (*)
6) extracted "IWG2-v35" in the IWD2 main directory
7) edited the file "iwg2\configuration" with the full path of both the games

made a back up of the files as suggested in the intructions
9) executed "iwg2.exe": the dos window appears, scrolls fast (with some error messages) for 1 - 2 minutes and disappear automatically. I don't know how to redirect the output to a file: what's the way to do that?
10) edited "icewind2.ini" adding "Cheats=1"
(*) in a partition of the hard disk not containing the operating system.
At this point I start playing with IWD2, talk to Edgull (italian version is "dove posso trovarli?"), the loading screen appears and when the yellow bar is growing it crashs and give a standard application error message of windows xp.
Please can anyone suggest to me how to solve this problem?